52 | nzdairy The competition is not just focused on farming operations, it’s organisation wide. “Our Board made a courageous decision to invest in a major conversion from sheep and beef to dairy, as the way to grow value and prosperity for our whanau, which has been successful.” Driven by Kaitiakitanga (guardianship of the environment) this work has been supported by applying the Mauri Compass Model on improving water quality. WMI had previously been a recipient of the Ahuwhenua Trophy in 2004 when it was a sheep and beef operation. “At about the same time, our Board made a courageous decision to invest in a major conversion from sheep and beef to dairy, as the way to grow value and prosperity for our whanau, which has been successful,” says Anaru. “Our success at this year’s competition validated that decision and the Board’s vision. The competition is not just focused on farming operations, it’s organisation wide. We needed to look back to our history, our governance, where we have come from, where we are today and where we are positioning our future. It provided us with that moment in time reflection, which on a normal day-to-day basis you don’t get the opportunity to do. It gave us the validation and confidence that the pathway we have been on for the last twenty years is working well. It also helped us to think about what we might need or want to do in the future to position for the next generation.” Anaru also makes the point that it is an intense competition to enter and not easy to win. In addition to having a good story to tell supported by a track record of high performance, WMI had to present that information, and hold field days, all within a very tight time period. He says, it was a relief that the hard work in entering the competition was rewarded. “Winning the Trophy also delivered an enormous sense of pride and recognition for the work and effort everyone goes through each and every day, their focus on detail, and the care everyone has in wanting to deliver good results. It was validation that we are getting all of those things right.” Across all farms and inclusive of seasonal workers, WMI employs about 120 staff across the full spectrum of roles. Farm 4, which won the award, has a core team of 5 people, led by Farm Manager Kim Turner. Anaru says one of the greatest compliments made by the judges was commentary around what they saw as the WMI Village culture, where everybody within the organisation from governance all the way through to farm assistants clearly understood the WMI mission, what was expected of them and had a very strong focus on delivering Proudly supporting Wairarapa Moana Incorporation Native Re-Vegetation Planting Registered Chemical Applicators Erosion and Sediment Control Industrial Rope Access Systems Working at Height Systems Vegetation Removal General Labour Hire Pest Control Al Hardy PO Box 1644 Taupo Mob: 021 371 632 Email: al@arcoenviro.co.nz DAIRY PEOPLE » Wairarapa Moana Incorporation • from page 50 that well. Anaru also acknowledges the very high calibre of the other entrants, commenting that there are a lot of very high performing Maori agri-businesses, and to compete against them and succeed was also a source of enormous pride. 07 378 2453 41 Nukuhau Street Taupo | parts@promoto.co.nz