NZ Dairy Spring 2024

| 53 nzdairy Fourth generation to be at the helm Waka Dairies embraces 385-hectares, spread over three properties in close proximity. Richard Loader DAIRY PEOPLE » Waka Dairies Neil Ivamy Principal, B.B.S., C.A ( EMBRACES THE DAILY GRIND ) we can help you avoid a roasting “We produce enough dairy to feed 38,000 people their daily dairy intake.” Under the umbrella of Waka Dairies, Michael Phillips is the fourth generation to be at the helm of dairy farmland within the ManawatuWhanganui township of Dannevirke, and he is focused on building on the work of his predecessors, and making a difference. Waka Dairies embraces 385-hectares, spread over three properties in close proximity, and peak milks 650 autumn calving cows. Michael has recently taken on the role of Managing Director, and will assume ownership in the near future as part of farm succession. I first interviewed Michael Philips, then aged 30, in 2017 and wrote: ‘A clear understanding of the family farm’s ‘reason for existence’, supported by strong governance, operational plans and thoughtful succession provides the framework for Waka Dairies sustainability as a family business.’ Michael has continued to lead Waka Dairies into a new age of dairy farming, where farming as a business is just as important as the business of farming. Over the last two years, Michael has developed five key focus areas with a view to becoming a leading producer operating for the better of our Taiao (Environment) and Porihanga (Society). “The drivers for these key areas were brought about due to the needs of succession, fundamental changes in our farming system, the failing of a major asset, financial pressure and continued external pressures, be that social and environmental licence to farm, regulatory and industry change,” says Micheal. “Through the fog of all those factors occurring within a two year timeframe, you look around and wonder how the hell am I going to handle this going forward; what’s important to us, FREE Ebook! Find out why Waka Dairies chose Aztech + their ROI 0800 298 324 |