221 rpm. This means less wear on the unit and it uses up to three times less power than alternate systems. It has a large viscosity range and good pumping performance even against high pressure with consistent diametres at joint connections for constant low rates. This means it delivers uniform pumping volume resulting in uniform nutrient application,” explains Davieth. The Weta Irrigator is the irst ever travelling e luent irrigator that will apply the same application depth (adjustable) no matter where it is operating on the farmmaking nutrient management a breeze. The traditional way to make the most of the nutrients as well as reduce environmental impact has been adequately sized dairy e luent storage. But Davieth says that while this provides the ability to defer irrigation it still needs to be applied to land and it is this task that requires the greatest amount Water and waste solution a winner AgFirst Engineering Waikato is busy working on a large project, which demonstrates the company’s capabilities, says director and agricultural engineering consultant Davieth Verheij. Undertaken for Kereru Farms in Manawatu the project involves AgFirst designing and supplying an e luent system and stock water reticulation system to meet the needs of 1500 cows and a new double rotary dairy shed. AgFirst was sought out, despite the fact it is located over ive hours away in Te Awamutu, due to its expertise and past successful projects completed, says Davieth. The site is low lying with a high-water table. In addition to this the dairy shed yard, entry/exits and future provision for a feed pad results in a very large rainfall catchment area. These are two major challenges when managing e luent volumes, says Davieth. AgFirst completed storm low calculations to ensure the primary storage system has capacity to store and process a 1 in 100-year storm event. E luent is captured in a double sand trap and sump solution o ering 240m3 of primary storage. From here e luent can be irrigated direct to land. When soil conditions do not allow, e luent is pumped via a solids separation system to a 5,000m3 lined pond. The e luent irrigation system covers almost 200ha with a range of low and high-risk soils. The large application area reduces nutrient loading and provides lexibility with grazing rotation. AgFirst is delivering a Wangen KL series self-priming pump and Weta Irrigator for the e luent system, technology that is fairly new to the New Zealand market, says Davieth. “It delivers excellent price/performance ratio and low life cycle costs with a low running speed of CALL US TODAY 0800 118 111 engineering@agfirst.co.nz | agfirstengineering.co.nz SPECIALISTS IN DESIGN/SUPPLY/BUILD Proudly supporting Roaches Concrete & Kereru Farms WATER & EFFLUENT of management and will be the decider as to whether the e luent system is making the farmer money or costing the money. An irrigator capable of a uniform rate of dispersal is the key. In order to achieve this the travel speed selection must be accurate and the irrigator must able to maintain its travel speed, which is why the Weta Irrigator is controlled by the low of the e luent and automatically maintains its travel speed and uniformity of e luent application along its travel path. Finding solutions to the challenges that modern dairy farmers face in terms of rural water supply and dairy e luent systems is the focus of AgFirst. Davieth says that farmers want to comply with regulations and AgFirst provides the assistance they require on how to achieve this in the most economical way possible that work with their individual farming system.