104 | nzdairy RURAL SERVICES » Roaches Concrete Products • from page 102 They started doing their own engineering for all the steelwork in 2002 as part of their move to keep everything in house. That way David can be confident of their quality control through to the end product. Agricultural work has always been their backbone but knowing that their work in the dairy industry would fluctuate with the pay-out they enjoy other work using pre-cast panels such as building a big water reservoir for a subdivision in Waikanae in 2019. Family has always been at the heart of Roaches Concrete Products and still is. David’s son Dean runs one outside gang while his son-in-law Kurt runs the other; his younger sister Francie runs the office where his daughter Amanda works as well, and his 24 year old grandson Jacob works in one of the construction crews. “Plus a whole lot of good people working alongside us,” says David. “We put a lot of pride and professionalism into our buildings and that’s partly what sells them too. I enjoy it because you meet a lot of good, down to earth people out here in the farming world.” Ask David what he wants for the future and family remains at the heart of it all. “We’ve been going for 60 years and I’m just about due for retirement but I like to think my son and my son-on-law and my grandson can be here to hit the 100 year mark.” Front view of the shed. “We put a lot of pride and professionalism into our buildings and that’s partly what sells them too. I enjoy it because you meet a lot of good, down to earth people out here in the farming world” Proud to work with Roaches Concrete Products