106 | nzdairy RURAL SERVICES » Seales Winslow Ltd Ryan Scholes and Warwick Mathis observing the herd (above). Handful of SW pellets (left). The Ashburton Mill (below). • from page 105 “We have a national offering within our dairy range, and we also have regional offerings which factor in what is more locally sourced. All of those are sold on-spec for energy, protein, starch, fat and fibre.” Feedworks is changing the Agriculture Industry. Feedworks are proud to support Seales Winslow Ltd www.feedworks.co.nz PO Box 530, New Plymouth 0800 584 569 We take pride in our ability to introduce new technologies, see their development through research, market investigation, commercialisation and finally a valuable profitable outcome for our customers. , , , . Vowles Transport Ltd 07 889 7485 admin@vowlestransport.co.nz Proudly supporting Seales Winslow Ltd Vowles Transport Ltd is a New Zealand owned family business with over 30 years experience in the industry. We cover all your logistical needs and locations that you require. B U L K C A R T A G E S P E C I A L I S T S JOHN ROBERTSON OWNER 027 432 9788 john@trouncetransport.co.nz Call us now to organise delivery on farm and into silo or store. The prebiotic is developed from plant extracts formulated to encourage feed intake and improve performance in calves. It stimulates appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients by enhancing rumen development, encouraging the growth of good bacteria and aiding the prevention of bad bacterial growth. NuStart boost the immune system to aid in the ability for calves to fight off disease, while improving growth rates. SealesWinslow range of trace element mineral nutritional supplements is available in a range of pre-formulated products. They can be provided through pellets or added to trough water based on the company’s database of 5000 herbage samples collected nationwide. SealesWinslow also offers pellets aimed at the lifestyle market for hens, pigs, and ruminant animals. SealesWinslow’s specialist nutrition and sales teams provide science-backed advise to support farmers achieve their production and nutritional goals.