114 | nzdairy RURAL SERVICES » Winton Stock Feed Ltd Winton Stock Feed about more than growth Russell Fredric Winton Stock Feed (WSF) has developed into one of the most significant companies in the New Zealand stock feed industry, with demand for molasses a strong driver of its growth. Locally owned and headquartered in Winton, Central Southland, WSF supplies feed mill products, palm kernel, dry feed and molasses predominantly to dairy, sheep and deer farms. Technical Nutrition Specialist Brad Aitken says, in addition to molasses offering nutritional and animal health benefits, it has not been subject to the same degree of price increases as other feeds. “We’ve had very strong growth nationally this year largely driven by the cost-effectiveness of molasses compared to other feeds, along with us commissioning a new dry feed plant.” “Our North Island business supplies solely molasses but in the South Island we also supply dry feed.” Molasses is high in sugar which helps with rumen digestion which is important for either a grass-based diet or when blending high dry-matter feeds such as dairy meals, grains and hay. When fed molasses, cows can use the energy obtained from molasses for increased milk solids production and/or maintenance and to and to increase energy intakes during mating. Molasses stimulates appetite at any stage of the lactating season, in particular around calving when cows are trying to reach peak production, while maximising days in milk as well as potentially improving pregnancy rates. It has a high level of soluble carbohydrates which stimulate rumen microbes to digest all available nutrients. Cows fed molasses can also be less susceptible to heat-related stress during summer and are less WSF supplies feed mill products, palm kernel, dry feed and molasses predominantly to dairy, sheep and deer farms. MEGAN HARDY - TECHNICAL MANAGER 027 488 2548 Megan.hardy@pahc.com www.pahc.com/new-zealand Proud to support the New Zealand Dairy industry 0800MOLASSES (0800 665 277) www.wintonstockfeed.co.nz FEED IMPORTERS NATIONWIDE Molasses SOUTHLAND/OTAGO Dairy Blends • Crushed Grain Calf Feed • Auger Transport