| 19 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Aunt Jean’s Dairy Their A2-A2 milk is available in glass bottles from the gate, from swap-a-bottle, from vending machines throughout the Nelson Region. CooperAitken Ltd, a well-established Waikato based accountancy irm, have a long and proud history of supporting the Dairy Industry in New Zealand. We produce annual Waikato Dairy Farming Benchmarking reports, which span back over four decades. The reports are a collation of Dairy Farming data then broken down into four di erent Dairy Farming categories, providing an average statistic and benchmark across the greater Waikato Dairy Farming region. We have recently published our 2021 season reports, which have been collated by our team from actual cash trading data and include a data pool of approx. 90 of our clients. We consider our Dairy Farming statistics as a useful and important benchmark for the industry, providing a meaningful tool to allow Dairy Farmers to examine their individual inancial performance against fellow farmers. We often discuss with clients what their breakeven point is, then further investigating what would happen to their business if key drivers such as payout, production, and costs such as interest, feed, labour or unexpected repairs changed. The Waikato Dairy Farming benchmarking can assist farmers in planning forward to ensure their business maintains viability, if for example, interest rates increase, or incur large unplanned expenses. The benchmarking tools also allows farmers to run a comparison and identify where improvements can be made. For example if farmers in the area are spending $118.22 on animal health a year, but their own costs are $164.00 per year, there is room for improvement. If you want to buy your irst farm, it can help identify what average returns and costs are on farms in the area to determine what you can a ord. If your cash low is struggling, what has changed in your inancial performance to previous years, and is this the same trend as other farmers? We also ind analysis of a large number of client’s inancial results allows us to identify trends in the industry. Looking at the results for the 2021 season, we see signi icant increase in pro itability across all groups. We did see trends of farmers using increased pro itability to spend on farm for projects or general maintenance, further a general drop in inancing costs help o set cost increases in overall farm working expenses. Trends going forward are positive and show increasing gross returns from both milk and stock incomes, however also showing increasing pressures from both operating and inancing costs. CooperAitken’s Waikato Dairy Farming Benching results are free and downloadable from our website. If you would like to look into speci ic benchmarking and budgeting for your own situation, please contact our team. We can discuss how we can assist your farming business through benchmarking and our wider range of specialised agri based services. Overall, there is good value in benchmarking and we encourage everyone to measure their results against our statistics. Good value in benchmarking Proudly supporting Aunt Jeans Dairy - Raine Farms