NZ Dairy Summer 2021

| 31 nzdairy Company plans to list on Stock Exchange New house built on Rata Farm to accommodate the sharemilker. Richard Loader Dairy Farms NZ (DFNZ) was founded in 2014 as a pure dairy farming investment vehicle to allow investors the opportunity to access a combination of cash-on-cash returns and the potential capital growth afforded by the sector. Whilst initially set up with a mixture of New Zealand and offshore equity, DFNZ’s intention is to list on the New Zealand stock exchange to make the investment in on-farm milk production accessible to a wider range of retail investors. CEO Craig McBeth says to achieve a successful listing the company needs to have a larger equity base than it currently has and the Directors are actively pursuing a range of alternative strategies to enlarge the company. “The plan was to buy South Island farms and we currently have two farms in Mid Canterbury and a cluster of five farms in Southland. We’re looking at farms that are of scale and will add value to the business and be attractive to a herd owning sharemilker to come and farm for us.” Craig says the minimum wholesale investment in DFNZ has been $250,000, but you also need to qualify as a wholesale investor, which holds a high hurdle to get over. “If we were to list on the sharemarket, then we would do all the hard work around putting together all the disclosure material to qualify for the NZX, and then there are other reporting requirements DAIRY PEOPLE » Dairy Farms NZ • to page 33 IRRIGATE WITH CONFIDENCE · IRRIGATION SYSTEMS · REMOTE MANAGEMENT · PRECISION VRI Earthmoving and Farm Maintenance Done Right 30 years of local knowledge and experience makes us the right people to talk to when it comes to earthmoving and farm maintenance. We explore every angle of a project upfront to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently. For us, being the best isn’t about getting a job done fastest, or cheapest, it’s about getting it Done Right. Find out how we will get your project Done Right at Email: Norman 027 611 9595 (Browns Depot) Chris 027 293 9800 (Waimatua Depot) Silage, Round Baling, Cultivation, Precision Planting, Effluent Spreading, Excavation and General Cartage. Waimatua & Browns