Enrol now for 2022 at Telford Take your irst steps towards your career in farming with a trusted and well-known quali ication from Telford – they have been skilfully shaping farming futures for more than ifty years, producing well-rounded, successful graduates. Telford student Tamara Sands is studying Farming Systems and Equipment (Level 3) (Dairy, Sheep and Beef), gaining the relevant training she intends to use as she starts her farming career. Farming Systems and Equipment supplies students a good foundation in: Health and Safety, Soils, Growing and using pasture, Animal health and welfare, Animal breeding and production, Technology on farm, Sustainable practices, Vehicle operation, Personal well-being and Farmmaintenance. Tamara chose Telford because she wanted to learn the practical skills required to be successful in agriculture. “Our course is not only theory but also practical, which means we get a lot of hands-on training. We get to go out on work experience (on di erent farms) so we learn other ways of doing things. I love training my dog on campus too. So I chose Telford for all of these reasons as it will be a huge help to the start of my farming career.” Tamara said they learn a bit of everything and get the basic training on driving tractors, quad bikes, LUV’s and 2-wheelers. The well-equipped rural campus has everything needed to train students for the contemporary farming sector. “I also chose Telford because they have dog kennels on-site and we are allowed to have a heading pup that they help us train up...” This rewarding experience under the expert tutelage of tutors - teaching students’ skills they’ll continue to use during their farming career - is frequently mentioned as a highlight of Telford. Students gain essential experience with stock work. This is the component Tamara enjoyed most - learning about livestock health and welfare and getting the practical experience doing it: working with sheep, beef and dairy cows - ear tagging, drenching, vaccinating, shifting stock, break fencing – incorporating the animal handling skills they’d need for real-world farm work. “... it will help me a lot in the farming industry...I plan on using my quali ication to get my irst full-time job...”, said Tamara. Farming Systems and Equipment quali ies for the government’s Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) which provides free training opportunities, guaranteed until December 2022, so there’s still time to enrol and train. You can achieve your farming quali ication with no course costs – a smaller student loan equals a better start in your work life and less debt to pay back – it’s the gift that keeps on giving! For a full range of courses and more information, go to: https://www.sit.ac.nz/campus/T elford?subject=Agriculture-Enviro nmental-Life-Sciences Make the call today and discover why Telford has what it takes for your training needs. To ind out more, call 0800 TELFORD, or visit: www.sit.ac.nz/Telford