| 59 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Ranginui Station with dairy, drystock & plantation forestry Not every paddock can be mowed for silage, and good grazing management is required to ensure good pasture quality is maintained The total area currently in forestry is 388 hectares, of which 56 hectares has been planted over the last three years. “We’re currently going through and reviewing again whether we should be retiring more pastoral land into forestry given what’s happening with the price of carbon and He Waka Eke Noa, the partnership between the industry, Maori and government in respect to reducing methane emissions from our ruminants.” The 520-hectare drystock farm’s primary purpose is to support the dairy units, grazing replacement heifers and wintering some cows from each of the dairy units. “We also rear about 250 beef calves generated from the dairy herds. We aim to sell down about half the steers as yearlings November to December on the grass market. The balance is generally taken through to the Autumn and sold as the grass starts coming away so we can build up our feed levels for the winter. We’ve also been buying in fifty week-old jersey bull calves each year and rearing them. We put yearling jerseys over the dairy heifers, hold on to them for another year when they’re used over one of the dairy herds. And we’ve also been buying Stabiliser bulls as yearlings, putting them over the other two dairy herds and that’s what gives us the beef calves. Our strategy in buying-in young bulls is to reduce the cost of mating. “ Given the names Dairy One, Dairy Two and Dairy Three, the dairy farms collectively encompass 1124 hectares that are home to 3100 crossbred cows. As a system 3 farm, each cows enjoys 700kgs of palm kernel supplement and this year Ranginui’s total milk production target is 967,000 milk solids.” “We’re a seasonal supply operation,” says Mark. “Dairy One and Dairy Three supply Miraka Dairy Factory, just West of Taupo in Mokai. Dairy Two supplies Fonterra. The reason for the two factories is simply good risk management.” To enhance the farm’s appeal to top-end staff, Ranginui has progressively transitioned from Farm Managers to Contract Milkers. “They are responsible for employing their own staff and to be a contractor they are also responsible for some of the running costs, but the rewards are far greater. We encourage our contract milkers to engage with their teams in staff training. All staff get put through things like milk quality courses, effluent courses, and we encourage Primary ITO with funds put aside for that.” Ranginui is a drug-free business and all staff must pass a pre-employment drug test with random drug testing throughout the year. “That’s been challenging at times. It’s quite a problem for the industry really.” Developing an inclusive team culture, a hui is called at least twice a year where the entire Ranginui team including directors gather to share about the business, its values and performance. “Engagement and inclusivity are the keys to our success,” says Mark. Feel free to call in, visit our shop and discuss any requirements you havein regards to your dairy shed. DeLaval Service and Support milking solutions Ph 07 348 3628 19 White Street, Rotorua www.abcmilkingsolutions.co.nz Atiamuri Dion 027 2911 269 Hayden 027 277 8626 SPECIALISTS IN: Livestock Cartage • General Cartage • Excavator & Bulldozer Hire AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS Miers Contractors(1995) Ltd • Harvesting • Cultivation • Supplements for sale & supply • Undersowing (all pastures & crops) • Earth moving • Truck cartage • Balage & Hay • Effluent Management 198 Butcher Road, RD2, Reporoa P 07 333 8259 | Gordy 021 593 163 | Mark 021 948 472 E mierscontractors@farmside.co.nz PROUDLY SUPPORTING Ranginui Station