| 73 nzdairy are the right fit for Waitower Farms DAIRY PEOPLE » Waitower Farms: Bernard & Robyn Stachurski The herd now comprises 285 cows including about 150 Ayrshires and the balance Holstein Friesians. 510 Manutahi Rd, RD3 Lepparton, New Plymouth 4373 06 752 0731 Kelly 027 223 6906 Troy 027 334 3488 sales@burkhartfarmequipment.com www.burkhartfarmequipment.com | All prices plus freight (if any) & GST TRAILERS 2-16 TONNE WOODSPLITTERS All NZ made, built to last IN STOCK Vertical 3PL $7,950 Commercial p/w Hyd lift table Vertical Towable $15,900 FIELD ROLLERS STOCKISTS OF SAM & PEARSON EQUIPMENT Delivery arranged New Zealand wide 5-6 & 8 TONNE IN STOCK TRAILER SIZES 2 Tonne - 2.8m x 1.8m $11,300 3 Tonne - 3.0m x 2.2m $11,900 4 Tonne - 3.3m x 2.3m $13,000 5 Tonne - 3.5m x 2.3m $13,900 5 Tonne Tandem - 3.6 x 2.3m $17,800 6 Tonne - 3.6m x 2.4m $19,000 8 Tonne - 4.2m x 2.4m $25,000 10 Tonne - 4.4m x 2.4m $30,800 12 Tonne - 4.6m x 2.4m $37,400 14 Tonne - 4.8m x 2.4m $41,800 16 Tonne - 5.0m x 2.4m $48,800 Water filled, pivoting draw bar for ease of transporting, swivel tongue, 3m drum x 12mm plate, 1400 diameter, 1.6 tonne empty, 6.3 tonne full, centre partition for even weight distribution. Other sizes made to order POA. Any size available from $14,400 Heavy Duty Roller c/w hydraulic wheels POA Rolls even the hardest, driest pugging SemaLtd. Great Quality and Great Value info@sema.co.nz www.sema.co.nz Specialists in the design and manufacture of variable speed Milk, Vacuum, Water and Effluent Pump Controllers 3 Year Warranty on all our products