82 | nzdairy RURAL SERVICES » Agrifeeds • from page 80 For example, one option is to boost microbial rumen bugs and improve fibre digestion and protein production to improve rumen performance. “In our pasture-based systems, we’re seeing increased awareness of how important cow nutrition is for achieving good metabolic health that will drive efficient milk production and, most critically, reproduction. “We use our own hand held NIR feed/forage scanners on-farm to measure pasture composition to determine the quality of forages and fill nutrient gaps in a complementary way. “Our dairy cows are like high performance athletes and our calves are their replacements; both do best on well-balanced diets during all the different stages of growth and lactation.” A week is a long time in farming at any time of year. The key to good decision making is often good timing and the right knowledge. Greg recommends talking to the team at Agrifeeds about creating time and space for your business by combining their proprietary on-farm free and live herbage tests, and advice to help guide you this season. For Bulk and Bulk Liquid Transportation in the South Island. Proud to be Agrifeeds preferred Cartage Contractor in the South Island Phone Southern Logistics: 0800 800 594 40 POST PEELINGS | WOODCHIP | SAW DUST PALM KERNEL | FERTILISER DELIVERIES | SILO DELIVERIES Northland Bulk Haulage Ltd Contact Shane Mob: 0275 374 064 A/h: 09 407 6653 Bulk Cartage • Fertiliser • Lime Aggregate • Silage Bales Specialising in