| 97 nzdairy Ordish and Stevens keep it flowing Richard Loader Ordish and Stevens is a Wairarapa based company specialising in the supply, design and servicing of rural irrigation, water reticulation and milking systems. The current owner and Managing Director Scott Forbes bought it from Heinz Pipe Systems in 2016 having worked there for ten years, but the company has been around for a lot longer than that. “It was originally started by Denis Ordish who started the company 50 odd years ago. The Ordish’s owned it until 2007 which is when they sold it to Hynds Pipes Systems who then sold it to Lisa and me in 2016,” says Scott. A fitter and welder by trade Scott Forbes had worked in the engineering side of the rail sector in Wellington before moving to the Wairarapa with his family 20 or so years ago. He and his wife Lisa were looking for schooling options outside suburban Wellington for their two children and found what they were looking for in the small rural school in Wainuioru, complete with fireplaces in the classrooms. “Lisa and I both came from the suburbs in Wellington but we wanted a rural upbringing for our kids,” says Scott, “and I took on the role of Operations Manager for Ordish and Stevens after a stint with the regional council.” As part of Hynds Pipe Systems they were one of 54 branches nationwide in an enterprise generally focused more on manufacturing and commercial supply for big drainage companies than on being a service provider. But it’s as a service provider offering design and install “turn key” solutions that Scott knew Ordish and Stevens was at its best, so when he was offered first right of refusal he knew it was an offer worth considering. “There was already a great team working in the business, I enjoy what I do, I like working on farms, I like solving problems for our customers and I enjoy the Wairarapa so I thought I’d give it a nudge,” says Scott. That was five years ago and having the freedom to make their own decisions about what work they tender for, with some regular council contracts in the mix, they’ve managed to keep growing the company even with the arrival of Covid. At the same time in order to help offset their winter lulls they’ve developed a small light-engineering arm to the business under the brand FWL Trays and Trailers. They make anything from aluminium dog-boxes to tipping-trailers, to full service bodies and vehicle suspension upgrades. “We want the business to remain viable for both our farming base and the rural domestic customer base, so it’s important to have some scale so we can take on apprentices and employ all of the skill set we need,” says Scott. Of their 22 staff four are apprentices, three electrical and one a pump technician. The rest cover off a wide variety of skills and qualifications, from mechanical engineering to design and project management, all of which might be useful to achieve the solution needed by one of their rural clients. Scott and Lisa Forbes (top). RURAL SERVICES » Ordish and Stevens “We’re a bit of a do-all to ensure that we’re able to retain the level of staff we need to cover the work, whether it’s a high-end cowshed pump installation, or an irrigation system for someone’s back garden. It’s having that multiple skill set in the business that means we can do the turnkey package as well as supply and fix most things,” says Scott. Their premises at 219 High Street in Masterton doubles as a showroom and base of operations for their manufacturing business and their rural supply business for the water industry, selling anything and everything to do with rural water supply big and small. It’s also the hub for all the large machinery needed to get the jobs done: trucks, diggers, tellyhandlers and “more utes than you can shake a stick at.” Whatever the job is Scott Forbes wants Ordish and Stevens to be able to do it and do it well. “We’re not really your corporate people with a mission statement or anything,” says Scott, ”but ultimately we’re solution providers and we work hard to be able to provide those solutions so we make sure we’ve got the right people, the right equipment, the right products and the right suppliers as best we can. Plus we’re always willing to go the extra mile.” “We want the business to remain viable for both our farming base and the rural domestic customer base, so it’s important to have some scale so we can take on apprentices.” Leanne Southey BBS, FCA Rebecca Sayer BBS, FCA 110 Dixon Street | Masterton 5810 P: 06 3700811 | E: ca@sosa.co.nz | www.sosa.co.nz We can assist you with all your accounting needs • GST & Payroll • Business Purchase/Setups • Succession Planning • Annual Accounts • Software Training & Implementation • Commercial & Agricultural Contact us for a no obligation chat about how we can help you today www.maclon.co.nz Maclon is pleased to support Ordish & Stevens and proud to be a supplier of high quality water reticulation products. ALL YOUR DAIRY PUMPING SOLUTIONS White International provides a comprehensive range of high quality pumping products, accessories and spare parts to the New Zealand dairy market www.whiteint.co.nz