NZ Dairy Summer 2022

| 79 nzdairy DAIRY SERVICES » BlueGrass Contracting A lineup of some of BlueGrass Contracting’s cartage truck and trailer units. 027 577 6565 13 Garland Street, Matamata For all your hydraulic repair services throughout the greater Waikato area Proudly supporting Bluegrass Contracting 027 812 6631 F L O W H Y D R A U L I C S W A I K A T O • Wholesale chemical supply • Liquid N19 + Gibb • All crop spraying (Maize, Fodderbeet, Chicory, Brassicas, Lucerne) • General PastureWeed Spraying • Crop Management + Advice Give DaleWooller a call on 027 502 9999 to discuss your spraying requirement. PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATEDWITH BLUEGRASS CONTRACTING LTD Webbline Agriculture are pleased to support Bluegrass Contracting Ltd Quality Accident Repairs for all Makes andModels 07 888 6508 021 838 421 6 Waiomou Street, Matamata We cover all aspects of Panelbeating, Spraypainting, Fiberglass repairs, Plastic Welding & Truck repairs, and o er free courtesy cars. Colin West Panelbeaters are members of the CRA and have been Matamata’s choice for crash and accident repairs for over 15 years.