NZ Dairy Winter 2021
| 5 nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Shane Ardern 1980: that is the dairy challenge The Ardern family farm at Te Kiri, on the South-Western foot of Mt Taranaki near Opunake, milks 610 cows off a 196 hectare effective platform. New Eco-Friendly Box Culvert Design For a cost-effective 100% Zero Footprint WE REPAIR: Farm and contracting machinery - Hydraulic rams - Diggers & all buckets Tip trailers - Quarry equipment and we undertake general maintenance - plus stainless welding NEED CONCRETE? Troughs, culvert pipes and lids, bridge decks, box culverts and bases, inspection pipes and much more... CALL US! PETER KURIGER ENGINEERING & CONCRETE 889 Upper Kaweora Road - Opunake - 0274 526 718 - 06 761 8122 Specialising in rural services with over 20 years in the trade means you are choosing an Electrician you can trust. Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week (06) 272 8210 027 515 5442 Call Chris for all your electrical needs. The team at Chris Perrett Electrical Solutions service a large area of South Taranaki. Phone Neil 027 446 5828 or Sam 027 559 5255 Neil and Sam enjoyed doing the earthworks for Shane’s new cowshed. A fascinating project.