NZ Dairy Winter 2023

100 | nzdairy From carpentry back to the farm Southland Contract milker Ben Semmens would like to see schools provide more information about the career pathways that are available in dairy farming. “There doesn’t seem to be a lot of information available at a school level, where a career in dairy farming is promoted. Farming is now very similar to a town job. We offer a structured roster with good time off. The wages are really good, and they’re topped up over the Spring for overtime. There’s a great career pathway including farm management, contract milking, sharemilking or equity partnership. You get to a manager’s level now and you’re talking $100,000 a year and that can be achieved in six or seven years of leaving school.” A fourth-generation dairy farmer, Ben grew up on the family dairy farm in Matamata, but completed a carpentry trade when he left school, followed by two years overseas, where thoughts of the green pastures of home were rekindled. Returning to New Zealand, Ben spent a year working for wages in Rakaia, Canterbury, followed by second-year self employed as a contract milker. In his third season dairy farming, Ben made the pilgrimage back to the home farm where he spent the next seven years, the latter six as 50/50 sharemilker with a 300-cow herd. “It got to the stage where there was no room for progression and land is so expensive in the Waikato. My partner Katie and I had young children and we looked outside of the square for our next step. We decided to sell the cows, invest in a rental property and pivot to large-scale contract milking. Another reason for getting into large-scale contract milking was to get staff management experience. I could see that farm ownership was becoming more corporate and farms were getting bigger, and I didn’t want to get left behind in terms of experience.” Securing a contract milking job in Rotorua peak milking 830 cows, Ben employed three full time staff, along with two to three casuals. “I enjoy having staff, though it can be challenging. Farming is unique in that we work and live in close proximity, so you spend a lot more time together and you have to manage that side of it. One thing with staff is that you are always learning.”After two years in Rotorua, Ben and Katie have made the decision to take their next opportunity contract milking on a 950cow farm in Lumsden for the start of the 2023 season.“Our thought is that large scale contracting equals medium scale sharemilking in terms Richard Loader George Stapleton, Shyam Adihikari and Ben Semmens. ON FARM » Semmens Dairying WE ARE MORE THAN JUST MILKING SPECIALISTS Feel free to call in, visit our shop and discuss any requirements you have in regards to your dairy shed DeLaval Service and Support milking solutions Ph 07 348 3628 19 White Street, Rotorua • Milking Machines • Dairy Consumables • Machine Tests • Davey Supplier • Trenching • DeLaval InService (Preventative Maintenance) • McConnel Backing Gates • Water Pumps & Fittings • Effluent Systems • Bore Lifts with 24/7 Service • Irrigation Services • Reid Harrison of cash flow and profit. While we have the rental property we will keep on contract milking, until we look at farm ownership, equity partnership or pivot again to sharemilking, depending on the opportunities.” Ben has already secured his team of three full time staff but says it has become increasingly difficult to engage good staff over the last two years. “Two years ago I would put an advert up and get fifty or sixty applicants, now I am lucky to get twenty. So, your applicant pool is a lot less. I think there should be a greater focus in educating people about dairy farming as a career choice, and offer cadetship placements.”