| 15 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Jack Symes farm manager The awards’ judges noted Jack’s proactive management skills and obvious care with presenting a tidy farm with clean pastures. sales@happershonda.co.nz Your milking machinery is one of the most expensive and by far the most vital piece of equipment on your farm, which is why it is crucial to ensure it is always working at its best. Milking machines that perform at full capacity maximise profitability and minimise risks for your herd Book your test now with a Registered Milking Machine Tester listed at www.nzmpta.co.nz It is a requirement to have your milking machine tested annually by a MPTA Registered Tester. Refer NZCP1: Design & Operation of Farm Dairies, Code of Practice (page 48) 027 449 7402 info@nzmpta.co.nz www.nzmpta.co.nz