NZ Dairy Winter 2023

24 | nzdairy Ownership goal ‘getting pretty close’ When dairy farming is your innate life’s calling, success naturally follows. Hayden McDonald grew up on a 30acre farmlet,and a dairy farmer is all he ever wanted to be. The groundwork began at age 11, helping out at weekends in the neighbour’s cowshed. The ardent, yet humble, 37-year-old has been named 2023 Manawatu Dairy Industry Awards Share Farmer of the Year. “Lot of people chose farming as a career, which is really great. But I think to supersede your goals you have to be right into it,” he says. Just 5km out of Palmerston North, Hayden operates as a 50/50 sharemilker for family friends Terry and Olive Curtis on 120ha. “It’s my sixth season working with Terry, and they have become like second parents. I’ve upgraded the farm and got it to a standard they’re happy with. So he mainly leaves me alone to make decisions.” His partner Danielle currently on maternity leave at Farm Source is looking after six-month-old Arlo, on the farm. “The goal is to own our own dairy farm, and I think we’ll be able to within three years. It’s getting pretty close. We’ve bought 60 acres just 2.5km away, and graze my R2 heifers there. “The system we run here is fairly profitable, utilising a lot of pasture that we grow, with extremely good production. Against the Manawatu average per hectare it’s pretty up there. The only feed we import through the gate is palm kernel, a complete byproduct of the palm oil process,which would have normally been thrown out.” “By using it we can effectively milk three weeks longer. During winter we feed 3 or 4kg to cows that need it. With the high nutrients and energy we just seem to get more milk off it. “We grow 12ha of chicory and 5ha of turnips for the summer, and are really good at pasture management.I enjoy it so put a fair amount of effort into it – but doesn’t feel like work.” Hayden’s milking shed is a32 aside herringbone, with twice daily milking, and once daily in the season’s last four to six weeks. Tracey Edwardes DAIRY AWARDS » Hayden McDonald “Our 345 cows are cross-breed, and in another couple of seasons we will be A2 A2 – 100% of Beta casein protein, which will give us a healthy point of difference, and its the way things are going. I’m passionate about our low somatic cell count with which we’re number one in central districts and 14th equal best in Fonterra across the country at the moment.” He plays twilight tennis in summer, squash in winter, runs and cycles. It keeps the energy levels pumping especially with February’s Wanaka Half Iron Marathon on the horizon. Often working alone to save money, he also ensures his two staff are always happy. The whiteboard on the shed walls uplifts on a soggy spring day with profound quotes like “Keep one foot in front of the other” and “Life’s a garden – dig it!” “Lot of people chose farming as a career, which is really great. But I think to supersede your goals you have to be right into it.” Manawatu Dairy Industry Awards Share Farmer of the Year Hayden McDonald with partner Danielle and six month old Arlo. (Below) Part of the 345 cross-bred herd.  Animal Health Advisory  Trained Body Condition Scorers  Healthy Hoof, Healthy Udder & Incalf Programmes  Reproductive Services & Analysis  General Medicine & Surgery Production Animal Department Ph: 06 322 2333 233 State Highway One, Bulls 4863 / 48 Tutaenui Road, Marton “ extensive range of quality services to your farm” Glenn Carroll | Managing Director Mobile: 0274 505 161 | Phone: 06 3297732 96 Puawai Road, RD7 Palmerston North 4477 Office: Suite 2, 219 Broadway Avenue Palmerston North Email: