| 3 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Emma Poole National Young Farmer title a coveted goal Waikato Bay of Plenty Young Farmer of the Year, 28 year-old Emma Poole, from Pirongia, has her sights set on the national final. It is the second time she has made the grand final. Russell Fredric Having won the Waikato Bay of Plenty FMG Young Farmer of the Year in March, Emma Poole now has her sights set on the national final. The 28 year-old Pirongia dairy farmer will be representing her province against six competitors from each other region in the FMG Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final being held in Timaru on July 6. Much of the preparation for the final happens in her everyday work, Emma says. “Outside of that there’s a bit of extra research involved looking into the why and how when you hear about things and storing that information away for a rainy day, which is the grand final; it’s such a broad topic it’s difficult to narrow down and study one area so you’ve sort of got to get across everything as best you can.” The three day grand final includes a full day of practical challenges which can include fencing, shearing and building followed by more theoretical subjects including a written examination, an oral presentation, a speech and an interview. “It’s quite gruelling.” Emma is married to Chris Poole; they have a one year old son. The couple obviously aim to keep it in the family; Chris is equally competitive, having been crowned Waikato Bay of Plenty FMG Young Farmer of the Year last year so the trophy has returned to their mantle piece. They are in an equity partnership with Chris’ parents John and Anne Poole who own a dairy business comprising two farms that are close to each other and essentially run as one unit. The home farm milks 650 cows and operates on an autumn/spring split calving system as well as rearing an additional 1,000 calves,while the recently purchased second farm milks about 450 cows. Across the two farms they have a team of seven staff who are instrumental in helping the business run smoothly and as a qualified veterinarian, Emma skills come in very handy. “There are advantages of owning two properties and working to their different strengths and having the cows in systems that are suited to each farm. On the home farm Chris’ parents have spent many years and a long time investing in winter milking infrastructure.” This includes Protrack automatic drafting, automatic cup removers and a feed pad. “They’ve been winter milking for over 25 years, they’re almost pioneers in the winter milking space so that on farm there’s been a lot of investment in setting up and in capital and infrastructure.” The new farm is a spring calving farm and just has in-shed feeding rather than a feed pad.It makes you appreciate how much investment those things require.” She also won the Waikato/Bay of Plenty FMG Young Farmer of the Year in 2019. “So, this is the second time I’ve made the (national) grand final. It was really exhausting, especially the brain-heavy activities exhaust you before the physical day and vice versa so you have to be in peak physical and mental form when you do it.” Emma was candid about how a dairy farmer might cope with shearing a sheep if that particular challenge pops up. “Not too well. I’ll definitely have to practice that one.” Congratulations Emma Poole Congratulations to Emma Poole, on receiving the 2023 FMG Young Farmer of the Year, Waikato Bay of Plenty award. To get your rural business one step ahead, call your local ASB Rural team on 0800 787 252. Proudly backing the next generation of farmers. ASB Bank Limited 56160 24722B 0423