NZ Dairy Winter 2023

30 | nzdairy Award spurs improvement goals Southland sharemilkers Michael and Shahn Smith are still on cloud nine after attending the NZ Dairy Industry Awards national event. The couple won the 2023 Southland-Otago Share Farmer of the Year Award in March. “It was so amazing to be there and we absolutely loved the networking that the whole process offered us,” says Shahn. “The biggest highlight for me was meeting the other regional winners and having those chats about how their farm systems work, as well as meeting the national sponsors and learning more about them.” As first-time entrants, the couple have relished the support and mentoring they’ve received and contact given. “We try hard but we know we’re not perfect,” says Michael. “The whole reason we entered was to explore what else we could do to improve our farm operation. The three national judges gave us really good critique.” Michael’s background is in land management and his academic studies were in Ecology and ZoolKim Newth Michael and Shahn Smith with son William, Peter Smith (farm owner), Bethanne Smith (lease farm manager), Erica Harvey (farm assistant) and Kenneth Medina (2IC). DAIRY AWARDS » Michael & Shahn Smith ogy. Shahn is a qualified radiographer working at Southland Hospital. “My role on farm is administration and bookkeeping, as well as supporting Michael where I can,” says Shahn. “I’m working three days a week at the hospital and we have a four-year-old too so life can get quite busy!” The couple sharemilk 620 cows on a 187-hectare property at Ermedale owned by Michael’s parents, Peter and Margaret Smith, converting the property to dairy after they bought it in 2008. Peter travelled the world dairy farming in his younger years before meeting Margaret in Wales. The couple then settled into farming together in NZ in the 1980s. “They live in Otautau now and have a run-off block that supports the dairy farm at Otahu Flat,” says Michael. “My brother Chris runs that farm and my sister, Bethanne, works for us on a small lease farm down the road.” Michael and Shahn both worked and travelled overseas before returning home to kickstart their dairy careers. Michael initially worked as 2IC on the family farm before the couple launched their business, Milky Whey Enterprises Ltd, in 2017, purchasing the herd in 2019. Their strong commitment to providing good work-life balance for their team saw them win a 2023 People and Culture award. They like to have fun with their staff – on the water in summer or hitting the snow in winter – and organise team dinners. Going forward, they plan to schedule activities in advance so staff know what’s coming up. The 8-2, 8-3 farm roster means a three-day weekend every second roster, with flexibility for staff to take more time off as needed. The couple also won a 2023 award for environmental sustainability. By breeding smaller crossbred cows, they have been able to take better care of the farm’s thick clay soils. “[And] If it’s pouring with rain, we don’t have them on the steep part of the farm. We’re trying to be selective with how we graze.” Their business performance also won them a merit award this year. They are currently in the throes of modelling how to reduce feed costs to achieve the same production. “Our target is not to make the most milk but the most profitable milk so we can keep growing our asset into the future.” AROS CONTRACTING LTD ~Silage Specialists~ call Tony & Janette Carmichael 03 224 6357 or 027 457 2037 Proud to support Michael & Shahn Smith For a friendly, quality service 0800 22 5899 03 225 8356 Otautau | 03 225 5899 Pukemaori | RURAL TRANSPORT STOCK / BULK FERTILISER • GRAVEL • CONTRACTING • TRANSPORTING 77 CLYDE STREET, INVERCARGILL, PH (03) 214 4254 SOUTHLAND HONDA For the best Parts, Sales & Service in the south Southland-Otago Share Farmer of the Year winners Michael and Shahn Smith.