NZ Dairy Winter 2023

| 35 nzdairy DAIRY AWARDS » Red Bluff Farms Proudly Supporting Red Blu Farms The herd has an 8% empty rate and 76% six week in-calf rate and despite all the adversity, the total production for the past season was a respectable 255,000kgMS, but mid-April was down 6-7% on the previous season. One benefit of the higher rainfall has been strong clover growth on a farm that has a good Located in Kerikeri, Matthew and Kortne Snedden are in their Third season 50/50 sharemilking for Kevin and Gillian Baxter. bee population due to hosting beehives and being surrounded by kiwifruit orchards. The closeness of the orchards also means waste kiwifruit is an economical source of autumn and winter supplementary feed, which is blended with other feed, and which costs just 20 cents per kilogram of dry matter.