NZ Dairy Winter 2023

| 41 nzdairy DAIRY AWARDS » Jacinta Kete: Wylam Dene Farm Excelling in a career that wasn’t planned A twist of fate and love of work led a young South Taranaki mum to excel in a career not initially on her radar. Jacinta Kete has been awarded the 2023 Dairy Trainee of the Year Award for the Taranaki Region. The 23-year-old is in her second season milking 280 Fresians on Wylam Dene Farm. Owned by Phil and Donna Cram, it lies in Awatuna, between Harawera and Stratford, tucked up right underneath the mountain. She milks with Phil twice daily, all year round, while Donna fills in and rears the calves. It was for the love of working outside everyday, in the sunshine, initially. “Now my interest lies in developing new skills and understanding what we are feeding and why, and what a cow really, really needs,” she says. “Loving animals is a plus, as you have their best Tracey Edwardes Dairy Trainee of the Year Award winner for the Taranaki Region, Jacinta Kete with son Arlo. • to page 42 land top award Jay Arifin with his award. interest at heart. Genetics is important, and the traits that come with it, to find what suits your farm and herd.” Growing up with sheep and beef, on a South Waikato high-country station, she wanted to be a vet, but dreading the thought of six years at university, went shepherding for her uncle and aunty. Then it was a stint as a rousie in a sheering gang. She then had great fun milking nearly 1000 goats for a season, until splitting with her partner, and moving back to the family home, with her Son Arlo, who’s nearly five. “I wanted to work as I have a very high work drive. But South Taranaki is all dairy farms, and few goat farms, so I gave relief milking a go for a couple of months. Then I decided on full time, with my first season the next June, before moving to my current job. WE ARE MORE THAN JUST MILKING SPECIALISTS with 24/7 Service Feel free to call in, visit our shop and discuss any requirements you have in regards to your dairy shed. DeLaval Service and Support milking solutions Ph 07 348 3628 19 White Street, Rotorua y y y y y y y Milking Machines Dairy Consumables Machine Tests Davey Supplier Trenching DeLaval InService (Preventative Maintenance) McConnel Backing Gates y y y y y Water Pumps & Fittings E uent Systems Bore Lifts Irrigation Services Reid & Harrison The sharpest tool in your shed The MyBallance app makes managing your farm even easier Download the MyBallance app here A/H 06 765 7261 Adan 027 672 3143 Kelly 027 320 4667 Proudly supporting Wylam Dene Farms FairlaneVeterinary Services is an ambulatory veterinary practice specialising in equine and dairy cowhealth Proud to support WylamDene Farms 027 976 1283 SouthTaranaki