| 43 nzdairy Jacob Stolte and Rene ten Bolscher. Jacob’s plan is to move to contract milking Richard Loader DAIRY AWARDS » Honeysett & Stolte Jacob Stolte grew up in a dairy farming environment and as a six-year-old knew dairy was going to be his career of choice. Nothing has swayed him from that path. “There’s something about being outside, dealing with cows, dealing with the environment; even though sometimes it feels as though the world is against us. Yet, somehow we seem to make a living and have a positive effect on the environment.” At 21 years of age, and recently married to Maegan, Jacob is about to enter his fifth season, relocating from Wairarapa to Methven on an 800 cow farm, and taking the role of 2IC. Jacob is also a veteran of the Dairy Industry Awards, having completed three years in a row in the Hawke’s Bay/Wairarapa Dairy Trainee of the Year category. “The first year was for the 2020 Awards, and I received The Most Promising Entrant award. In 2021 I was placed second, and in 2022 I won the award. Knowing that I’ve steadily improved yearon-year makes me feel proud.” As winner of last year’s regional event, Jacob was offered the opportunity to take the Dairy Trainee Team Leaders role for this year’s industry awards. “It seemed a natural progression after winning the award and it was an opportunity to be part of an organising committee, which I was looking forward to. It enabled me to learn how to organise and run multiple events. I was also able to use my industry connections to encourage people to enter. The committee was made up of the team leaders of each of the three award categories, along with a number of others with specialist roles.” As well as reaching out to people and encouraging them to enter the awards, which opened on the 1st of October, the role also involved looking after entrants and making sure they were happy. “You can get people to enter but occasionally people will want to drop out when they realise it involves a little more work than they were expecting. Ten people entered, but three had to pull out because they were on flood affected farms.” As a team member, the role also involved helping to organise eight tasks for entrants to complete during a practical skills day, along with organising eight separate judges and three back-up judges. Organisation for the Regional Dinner, which was held in March, commenced in November and included looking at venues, menus, catering and general format. A piece of feedback that Jacob received at the 2020 Awards evening was around developing public speaking skills. “This year, I had to make a speech at the Regional Awards dinner and after I gave the speech one of the judges said he was very impressed with the way I spoke and the way I was comfortable with a large group of people. So obviously I had taken that advice to heart.” Looking ahead, Jacob’s plan is to move to Contract Milking, and then equity or share farming. “I don’t have a timeline when this will happen but I’m hoping that by the start of the 2025 season we can be in a position to take over a contract milking job.” When you look at what Jacob has achieved in four years, you have to be heartened that the industry is in very good hands. Leanne Southey BBS, FCA Becks Schoϐield BBS, FCA Contact us for a noobligation chat about how we canhelp you today. www.sosa.co.nz E: ca@sosa.co.nz P: 06 3700811 Masterton 5810 110 Dixon Street :H FDQ DVVLVW \RX ZLWK DOO \RXU DFFRXQWLQJ WD[ DQG EXVLQHVV QHHGV