NZ Dairy Winter 2023

| 49 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Bjerring Family Farm time as a market garden and tree nursery Bjerring Family Farm 2023. Attending the 100 years of Bjerring farming open day held at the farm on November 26 last year was a special privilege, Marsden AGRI Founder and Managing Director Carl Sisson says. Personally, and on behalf of Marsden AGRI I would like to congratulate the Bjerring family for achieving the proud milestone of over 100 years of family farming. It’s been my pleasure to be involved with the Bjerring farming operation as their Fertiliser Consultant since 1994. Initially working with Wayne & Christine and now also their son, Hamish Bjerring. I have many fond memories of the Bjerring family and it has been such an honour to see these children grow up and the family thrive. It’s my understanding Wayne and Christine now have 15 grandchildren. This year I celebrate my own smaller milestone of 30 years in the fertiliser industry. The knowledge and experience gained over three decades has been foundational to the value we at Marsden AGRI o er our customers. When entering the industry in 1993, many customers tired of representatives constantly changing would ask me “…and how long will you be around”? I promised then that I was here for the long haul, and I’ve stuck tomy word. I am extremely grateful for the long-term support of our customers. Honoured to have assisted so many for such a signi icant number of their farming years. In addition to results proudly delivered I have thoroughly enjoyed the relationships built, the characters I’ve met, and the laughs we have shared. It Congratulations to Bjerring’s on over 100 years has been a privilege to participate in these farming journeys and lives. When it comes to fertiliser for optimised pasture return you don’t beat basic science and it’s been wonderful to observe scienti ic knowledge becoming somuch easier to access. The following years have seen many changes across the industry and to farming practices, and I hasten to say that most of these changes have been for the better. I have been very proud (and somewhat defensive) of the environmental sustainability focused improvements that I’ve witnessed across Waikato and Bay of Plenty in this time. My belief; not all fertiliser products are created equal, each one has its unique place, but one size does not it all. Our custom recommendations therefore follow full on farm consultation that includes soil and herbage testing analysed in reputable NZ laboratories; thereby ensuring our farmers achieve optimum pasture production while limiting environmental impact. I am so proud of the results we achieve for our customers. I could not have done it without the support of an exceptional team. A team that includes my wife Davina Sisson both for her role managing the business and managing me day to day, and the long-term commitment of our Lead Storeperson Brad and Administer Ashley. There is no guarantee I will be privileged enough to achieve another 30 years involved in the Fertiliser industry. However, I will certainly give it a good go. 0800549 3301 30 YEARS HARD YAKKA & STILL GOING STRONG About the only thing that’s changed in the past 30 years is the bosses’ waistline. That's because at Marsden AGRI we've never flinched from our philosophies of custom blend fertiliser, real world experience & continued results-and our customers have never stopped supporting us. So if you are one of them−THANK YOU!