| 55 nzdairy 50/50 sharemilkers Adam & Nicole Gerritsen ter and a four-year-old son. “Now we are able to share the best parts of what we do with our children, living on the place where were work with our children. That’s how I was brought up when I was a kid and it is pretty cool to be able to do that with our own children.” While Nicole has previously reared calves and been more involved with farm work, her hands are now usually very full with two young children, and aside from helping out when she can her main farm role is the very significant amount of bookwork required in their farming business. “Now that we have achieved our goal to become herd owning sharemilkers and we can start looking at where our next step is. Right now, we are paying back as much debt as we can, so that when opportunities do come up we are in a position to take advantage” Residential & Farm Building Needs • House and shed maintenance • New builds • Retro tting double glazing on farm houses • Resurfacing rough oors in machine rooms for compliance Phone. 0274 274 556 Sheep • Deer • Dairy • General Fencing 027 435 4299 roger187above@gmail.com Proudly supportingDairy Farms NZ R&RFencing FUJITSU ACCREDITED INSTALLER NEW DOMESTIC & RURAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS DOMESTIC & RURAL ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS RENTAL HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE DIARY SHED & BARN ELECTRICAL WIRING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE TEST & TAGGING NEW COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS SMOKE ALARM INSTALLATION & SERVICING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE TEST & TAGGING INSTALL AND MAINTAIN HEAT PUMPS SUPPLY, INSTALL & MAINTENANCE SERVICES WE PROVIDE: WALK IN FREEZERS, CHILLER ROOMS, BOTTLE CABINETS, RESTAURANT CHILLER UNITS, ICE MACHINES, BEER LINE REFRIGERATION DAIRY/MILK COOLING SYSTEMS Domestic & Rural Electrical Commercial Electrical Refrigeration & MAINTENANCE 85 Bill Richardson Drive, Invercargill, Southland Phone: (03) 214-3136 DAIRY PEOPLE » Dairy Farms NZ “Now that we have achieved our goal to become herd owning sharemilkers and we can start looking at where our next step is. Right now, we are paying back as much debt as we can, so that when opportunities do come up we are in a position to take advantage of those opportunities. Farm ownership is now very tricky to do on your own financially, and so realistically equity partnership is more likely to be the best option for us as our next move. With their knowledge, experience, support and guidance, Dairy Farms NZ will have been part of our journey.” Proud to support Dairy Farms NZ Rural transport operators specialising in: • LIME & FERTILISER SPREADING Proud to be a registered Spreadmark company • Trained operators • Certified bins equipped with GPS units • Seed sowing • LIVESTOCK & GENERAL CARTAGE CENTRE BUSH. SOUTHLAND PH: 03 2360759 Cell: 027 2360759 Email: dispatch@scullystransport.co.nz