| 57 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Ethan & Sarah Koch HAURAKI PLAINS MOTORS LTD For all new and used farm machinery 1 Pipiroa Road, NGATEA - Ph. 07 867 7021 e: admin@hpmotors.co.nz www.haurakiplainsmotors.co.nz Miles Shelley 027 227 1121 Michael Duffin 027 440 4681 Toyota Finance available on all new & used Toyota models. ebbett.toyota.co.nz Ethan and Sarah Koch of high genetic merit bulls with smaller stature for a Friesian and lower live weight. The aim has always been to develop a very uniform herd and Sarah says they are happy with how the cows look with nothing less than an F10 to F16. Each year the goal is to calve down 340 cows but that depends on the weather. If it gets really dry the herd would reduce to 300 by Christmas. With a no bobby-calf policy, the business benefits from significant revenue by selling beef calves, while heifers are selected on stature and live weight. Assisting on the farm is a real gem in the form of 2IC/Herd Manager Rita Jeffrey. Sarah and Ethan can’t speak highly enough of Rita’s work ethic, understanding and enthusiasm for the daily tasks and for the industry generally. “We think she has a very bright future and we will do anything we can to give her a good head start in her journey.” While Rita didn’t come from a farming background Sarah says its easy to see how much she loves cows. Sarah says while there’s a long-term goal to own a farm, they are pragmatic in their approach and are open to future options as these arise. She hasn’t returned to teaching, choosing rather to bring up their young family and be home with them. Sarah and Ethan are parents to 6 year old Levi, Emily who is 3 and 1 year old Lucy, so life in the household is busy. “I choose to to be home with the children while working in the business - rearing all the calves and doing all the administrative side of the business.” The farm is run to a system 3 to 4 with a focus on feeding the cows when in pasture deficit. A big part of the success to date is never taking for granted good people. It’s a focus that’s uppermost in the day to day operation of the farm. “If Rita wanted to grow cow numbers to get her business growing then we would let her AB our Heifers to start a herd from.” Looking at options to further grow equity is always a focus but how this is achieved isn’t set in concrete; rather being open to shifts in the market and opportunities that present seems to be the best way forward.Mental and physical well-being are priorities increasingly.“We prioritise time that is more intentional with the family. This is a really enriching world for the children and both Ethan and I are very happy with where we are at right now.”