NZ Dairy Winter 2023

60 | nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Hanze Farms Herd management made much easier With geo-boundaries, breaks and safety fences set, Scott and Larissa Anderson had that early morning ‘has it/has it not worked’ feeling of anticipation when they checked on their cows after going ’live’ for the first time with their newly established Halter (NZ) cow collar system. While only a few days into using the technology, the Bay of Plenty dairy farmers are very happy with the results so far. Halter (NZ) technology is a solar powered ergonomically designed cow collar and mobile phone app that enables cows to be gently moved and managed remotely by responding to sound and vibration cues from the collar, rather than people on bikes or dogs, and without the need of fences or electric wires. “The collars are directional,” says Scott. “If the collar wants the cow to turn left there’s an audible sound on the right-hand side of the collar. There’s also a vibration to stimulate movement a bit more. We chose Halter (NZ) because it used geofencing. We set up breaks and initially had to have a standard and wire safety fence set back five metres from the virtual break, just in case the cows got through. We went out to see if they had crossed the line and were pleasantly surprised that the virtual geofence had worked and the cows were well back from the five-metre security fence.” Scott and Larissa peak milk 400 cows off a 105-hectare milking platform in Ngakuru, 20 minutes south of Rotorua. The couple operate a split calving regime, milking through a 22-aside herringbone shed. While Larissa focuses on animal health including mating and calving, and looks after the farm’s finances, Scott looks after the overall management of the farm. Up until September last year, Scott and Larissa were supported by two full time staff, and a part timer during the twice yearly calving period. When one fulltime staff member left the team in September, the decision was made to press on with just one employee, and look at options going forward. “We started looking into the Halter system last December and from then until now we’ve been going down that path, setting everything up. We’re now in our fifth day of training and we love Richard Loader it. Halter gives you a whole group of guidelines to follow, what to expect from the cows and how to encourage them to do moves. “You can do a break and then put another break in front of the cows and move them. For example, today is pouring with rain and we can effectivity schedule another shift for cows and have them walk onto fresh grass so they don’t go pugging up where they are.” Larissa explains that an initial set-up fee included the farm being high-resolution mapped by Halter, and communication poles placed throughout the farm to enable connection with the collars. “The number of poles depends on the size and contour of the farm. We have five poles and you lease the collars from Halter NZ either on an annual or monthly basis. While the base plan provides for geofencing, that can be complemented Agricultural Engineering Specialists 220 REPOROA RD, REPOROA, 07 333 8170 MANUFACTURING, MACHINERY REPAIRS, SHED REPAIRS, SERVICING, HYDRAULICS, PARTS & MORE WE ARE MORE THAN JUST MILKING SPECIALISTS with 24/7 Service Feel free to call in, visit our shop and discuss any requirements you have in regards to your dairy shed. DeLaval Service and Support milking solutions Ph 07 348 3628 19 White Street, Rotorua y y y y y y y Milking Machines Dairy Consumables Machine Tests Davey Supplier Trenching DeLaval InService (Preventative Maintenance) McConnel Backing Gates y y y y y Water Pumps & Fittings E uent Systems Bore Lifts Irrigation Services Reid & Harrison Scott and Larissa Anderson. with a health component which enables me to identify cows on heat or sick. “Halter has been really approachable if we have any questions or problems. If you have an emergency and need an answer right now you can message them twenty-seven.”