NZ Dairy Winter 2023

70 | nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Mitchell Dairy Farms From nothing to From starting with nothing 26 years ago Greg and Gail Mitchell of Mitchell Dairy Farms have grown a business that sees them producing 900,000kgs MS per year between two farms. The couple are the 2023 Regional Supreme Award winners of the East Coast Ballance Farm Environment Awards and also took out a raft of merit awards proving the strength of their profitable business over multiple areas: Ballance Agri-Nutrients Soil Management Award, Bayleys People in Primary Sector Award, DairyNZ Sustainability and Stewardship Award, Norwood Farming Efficiency Award and Rabobank Agri-Business Management Award. The Mitchell’s have a 460ha effective farm at Patoka called High Road that milks 1550 cows. They also have a 300ha effective farm 10 kilometres away called Kaweka Farm, which milks 900 cows. It is owned in an equity sharemilking partnership with Josh and Tineke Dear who own half the cows. The couple recognise that a key cornerstone of their business is people and they place great emphasis on nurturing a great team. As testament, some staff has been working for them for around 10 years. The couple favour flexible rosters and realistic work hours with staff only completing one milking per day. A number of their team hail from Kiribati so the Mitchell’s organise robust on farm training so they can make progress. Mika Kanae, who is a farm manager and is from Kiribati, will progress to contract milking on the couple’s High Road farm this season. Technology has further increased efficiencies with Protrack Karen Phelps and automatic drafting and Allflex collars used on both farms. “Everyone wants to be part of a team and be valued,” says Greg. Many of the team from Kiribati had never seen cows or grass before they arrived. We have taught them a huge amount and they learn quickly and are very loyal staff members.” The couple also places great importance on balancing profitability with caring for the environment. Every paddock is soil testing every three years and specific fertiliser brews are applied to ensure the right nutrient balance. This has meant less nutrient application and Greg says that pasture growth on the farm is more even and they are also growing more grass. Imported palm kernel has dropped off by a few hundred tonnes. A new effluent system is five times the size required by their consent allowing them to irrigate 120ha. There are two 25m weeping walls and a 25 million litre pond allowing them to store water and use it over summer months. All waterways have been fenced and they have planted 10,000 native trees every year for past five years. Ineffective areas on the farm have been fenced off and retired totalling 15ha between the two farms. The Mitchells prefer to fund farm developments and capital expenses from cashflow. This saw a new house built on the farm last year. They have also just purchased a support block in Patoka that they will take over on 1 June, which will be used for heifers and calves from the High Road farm. “Now it’s about consolidation,” says Greg. “We plan to start stepping back from the day to day business with Mika starting his contract milking position on 1 June being part of this process.” Colin Pirie Managing Director Habitat BPM Ltd congratulate 2023 East Coast Regional Ballance Farm Environment Supreme Winners Greg & Gail Mitchell of Mitchell Dairy Farms. E: P: 027 480 2734 Create a habitat for all through sustainable & innovative management: Tauwhiro whenua whakahaere. HABITAT BPM GROUP Greg & Gail Mitchell.