| 71 nzdairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Mitchell Dairy Farms 900,000kgs MS per year in 26 years The Mitchell’s have a 460ha effective farm at Patoka called High Road that milks 1550 cows. Proud to support Mitchell Dairy Farms Ltd We can help you with: Direct drilling Conventional drilling Rotary hoeing Agricultural spraying Discing Ploughing Roller Drilling Rolling Ripping Tyne cultivate Power harrowing Plus plenty more agricultural services Phone Roger to discuss your requirements: P: 021 245 1472 E: hunterag@xtra.co.nz For all your agricultural cultivation and spraying requirements T.E.D is your agricultural engineering specialist, we specialize in new builds, rebuilds, eŋuent containment, precast conĐƌĞƚĞ ĂŶĚ ĞĂƌƚŚǁŽƌŬƐ͘ ŋƵĞŶƚ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ ŝƐ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ƐƉĞĐŝĂůƟĞƐ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ĂŶ ĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚ ƐLJƐƚĞŵ being implemented we are able to completely drain and de-sludge out ponds. Ăůů Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů ĨŽƌ Ă ĨƌĞĞ ĐŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶ ϬϴϬϬ d EKt ;ϴϯϯ ϲϵϵͿ͘ & Ͳ ǁǁǁ͘ĨĂĐĞŬ͘ĐŽŵͬd͘ ͘ ͘ ŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐͬ