| 79 nzdairy Breeding high genetic merit stock Breeding top rated Holstein-Friesian stock is a decades long passion for Wayne and Leeanne Taylor. The couple have been happily 50/50 sharemilking for Ian and Janet Finer for the past 17 years alongside running their stud, Muritai Holsteins. The farm is located in Tikorangi, North Taranaki, about five kilometres from the coast, on 68 hectares and has a 20 hectare support block. “We’ve been working pretty extensively with the two main AB [artificial breeding] companies, primarily CRV and also in the last two or three years with LIC, generating bulls that have gone into the industry,” Wayne says. Wayne and Leeanne were involved in showing cows with their now grown children for many years and have won many accolades. However, with the impact of mycoplasma bovis and the need to protect their herd, they moved away from showing and focused on breeding high genetic merit stock for the industry as a whole. “We are trying to generate young sires for the AB companies and breeding females that will help to repopulate that programme.” They are aiming to create a point of difference for Muritai Holsteins by maintaining a strong emphasis on good udder quality so cows can handle the higher production levels that are being demanded in the industry, while type traits, strong production traits and fertility are also key to enable cows to function at high levels, Wayne says. During the past two or three years, Wayne has also been looking to bulls with polled genes to increase the percentage of these in their own herd. “It is an aspect that is becoming more and more prevalent within the industry so I think over the next few years there will be a bigger and a stronger swing towards it.” With the shift towards milk processors paying more for fat than protein in recent seasons, there has been a corresponding push towards breeding Friesians that not only produce well, but also produce a higher content of fat “because that’s how we’re being paid.” Because of this, Holstein-Friesian breeders have needed to acknowledge they have been overtaken with crossbreeding targeting the higher fat payment, which has impacted their percentage of the national herd. However, there is a resurgence of demand for Holstein-Friesian bulls that will be used for purebred stock. “In the last 12 months or so I think we are seeing diversity within the bloodlines, and that its looking offshore at some of the Holstein strains elsewhere, rather than just using crossbred bulls and infusing those into our Friesian bloodlines that we already have here.” Russell Fredric Some of the herd grazing.. DAIRY PEOPLE » Wayne Taylor After decades of success in the show ring, it is equally satisfying and enjoyable having bulls accepted into the sire proving teams. Last year Muritai Holsteins had seven bulls qualify and also has a young bull with the A2 gene in the team at LIC. “The ultimate aim is always to see one of your bulls end up high up on the RAS (ranking active sires) list and being used within the national herd. We are quite excited, this year we’ve got a couple of young bulls in the in-sire programme with CRV and one of them is carrying the polled gene and I’ve heard there’s been a fair amount of interest in them.” www.westownhaulage.co.nz 06 753 6611 180 Cowling Rd | New Plymouth Pleased to be Wayne Taylor’s Livestock Carrier WESTOWN HAULAGE LTD When it comes to business advice, it’s important to nd a partner you can trust. At the Accounting Room we’re commited to helping Taranaki businesses to get ahead. We provide upfront and honest advice on a range of things you worry about. If you’re looking for the perfect business partner - Call us (06) 759 1591 theaccountingroom.co.nz The perfect rural partner can be hard to find www.energyvets.co.nz enquiries@energyvets.co.nz ENERGY VETS TARANAKI LTD Inglewood Clinic (06) 756 7228 Waitara Clinic (06) 754 8791