| 85 nzdairy Maintaining thousands of irrigation systems Tracing its roots back to 1986 when it installed one of the first Valley pivot irrigators in New Zealand, PGG Wrightson Water now services thousands of irrigation systems across the South Island each year. The diverse range of irrigation systems includes pivot and linear irrigators, solid set sprinkler irrigators, hard hose Ocmis irrigators, and large pumping systems. “Valley by Valmont Industries is our pivot and linear move brand of irrigator,” says Andrew Gordon, PGG Wrightson’s National Water Manager. “We have the only certified Valley service technicians and certified technology advisory in New Zealand.” Operating from branches in Rangiora, Ashburton, Timaru and Cromwell, PGG Wrightson Water services the entire South Island, looking after the irrigation needs of farmers across dairy, sheep & beef, and cropping. Bringing the irrigation needs of farmers and growers to life are three interdependent teams; Design Engineers & Sales, Operations Technicians, and Service Technicians, all of which work hand in hand to ensure a successful client outcome. “The design and planning process is undertaken by our qualified design engineers. After discussing what the farmer is wanting to achieve through irrigation and what their budget is, the property is GPS mapped so that an accurate design and solution can be offered, tailored to the specific area to be irrigated. Taking the time to GPS the property and talk to the farmer about all the options available and educating them about what we believe to be the best solution is a key part of the process.” While a network of approved contractors undertake the earthworks, the laying of pipe and erection of the irrigation system, PGG Wrightson Water’s own Operations Team complete in depth commissioning of the irrigation system. Servicing of the irrigation systems is also completed by trained PGG Wrightson Water staff. Richard Loader PGG Wrightson Water services the entire South Island. DAIRY SERVICES » PGG Wrightson Irrigation Water “What’s really important to me is the increased skill sets within our team. We’re putting a lot of training into our people and we’re seeing the rewards in their effectiveness in the field, and their understanding of the products we represent within New Zealand. This change in business strategy really underpins the whole foundation of the business; really strong staff educated around the products they are working on.” Andrew says that when the dairy industry went through the big boom in the mid 2000s the thought was the larger the irrigator that could be put on the property the less cost per hectare it would be. Unfortunately, what many didn’t consider was that the longer the pivot the higher the instantaneous application rate. ‘There are many irrigators around where the instantaneous application rate is much higher than the soil infiltration rate. Effectively we’re creating a green drought, because we’re putting on so much water that it is of no benefit to anyone. When customers come to us asking for their system to be redesigned and /or the system is end of life, we will suggest that we take their eight hundred metre full circle machine and look at breaking it down into two or three smaller machines, where we know we will have a more positive impact on the soil. So we’re reducing the instantaneous application rate to what our soil infiltration rate can handle. That in turn has a positive impact on the environment and our farmers’ sustainability goals.” Andrew acknowledges that the industry could do better job upskilling customers around sprinkler upgrades. “At least every four years the sprinklers and pressure regulators on pivot and linear irrigators should be changed. One of the key things is how the water is applied to the paddock and the condition and age of the sprinklers has a big impact on the environment and sustainability.” PGG Wrightson is a proud member of the... PROVEN EFFLUENT PRODUCTS PLUS LOCAL KNOW HOW www.yardmaster.co.nz PGG Wrightson enquiries@pggwrightson.co.nz REID & HARRISON ...that works! LDPE PRESSURE PIPE PE PRESSURE PIPE HPPE PRESSURE PIPE HORTICULTURAL LATERAL TUBE PVC-U Pressure Pipe PVC-M Pressure Pipe PVC-O Pressure Pipe For more information: Phone 0800 800 262 www.iplex.co.nz Manufacturers and Suppliers of Rural Pipeline Systems When you need reliable irrigation pumping solutions. Reliable, high performance and quality materials, Lowara & Gould’s premium pump ranges can assist with all of your water requirements. Brown Brothers Engineers is proud to support PGG Wrightson Water. Lowara Z Series 6” 8” 10” & 12” Submersibles Goulds ISO Series Single stage end suction pumps DELIVERING PUMPING SOLUTIONS® since 1908 03/23