NZ Dairy Winter 2023

| 87 nzdairy New Zealand Grazing Company staff are passionate about making a difference for both individual farmers, graziers and the wider industry. DAIRY SERVICES » New Zealand Grazing Company 06 329 1885 | PROUD TO BE SUPPORTING NEW ZEALAND GRAZING COMPANY before she starts her first lactation, the longer productive life she will have in the herd.” The company also provides Jersey service bulls which have been selected and prepared for use over yearling dairy heifers. All its bulls have full lifetime traceability, with every NAIT location recorded within New Zealand Grazing’s database, while each year it has a limited number of two year-old bulls available for sale, to non-clients of the company.  Animal Health Advisory  Trained Body Condition Scorers  Healthy Hoof, Healthy Udder & Incalf Programmes  Reproductive Services & Analysis  General Medicine & Surgery Production Animal Department Ph: 06 322 2333 233 State Highway One, Bulls 4863 / 48 Tutaenui Road, Marton “ extensive range of quality services to your farm”