NZ Dairy Winter 2023

| 9 nzdairy for success on large family operation DAIRY PEOPLE » Poplar Partnership Ltd Some of Poplar team with owners (from left) Peter, Karen and John McErlean. Inset: The native giant snail Powelliphanta Traversi Koputaroa found in reserve land on the Manawatu farm. Some of the Hereford herd. t 06 357 0640 We focus on providing business advice and accounting solutions, so our clients can focus on what they do best! Let’s start talking Levin & Horowhenua Vets is proud to support John, Karen and Peter McErlean of Poplar Partnership by providing them with all aspects of animal health care. Congratulations on becoming the 2023 Regional Supreme Winners of the Horizons Ballance Farm Environment Awards 518 Queen Street East Levin 5510 06 368 2891 LEVIN Your animal health professionals HOROWHENUA VETS 06 329 9712 856 State Highway One, RD 11, Foxton, 4891 M: 027 221 9481 | F: 06 329 9732 E: For all your Cartage and Groundspreading needs