98 | nzdairy Responding quickly to Waikato farmers Kyle Osborne is one of the three directors at Qubik together with Jason Hare and Ken Osborne, a company providing dairy shed, effluent, refrigeration, and water reticulation systems to farms across the greater Waikato region. The company has branches in Te Awamutu, Otorohanga and Putaruru so is in an ideal situation to respond quickly to farmers across a large Waikato footprint. Qubik started in 1981 as the Te Awamutu Milking Machine Company. Those formative years enabled the business to gather a strong place in the market. In 2007, the decision was made to rebrand and take up an eye-catching name, and Qubik was born. Qubik has a team of about 50 staff, including apprentices, technicians, engineers, administration, and management. Kyle says, the company provides incentives to encourage the right people to join the business when needed. “We offer new employees the opportunity to undertake apprenticeships in various areas, such as milking machine installation and testing, water treatment, effluent management, fabrication, and refrigeration.” The company also covers the cost of other courses such as heavy traffic licenses, including Wheels and Tracks for their employees. Kyle believes that the key to Qubik’s success lies in the quality of their team, their loyalty to the business, and the consistently high standard of workmanship they deliver to clients. The company understands that they operate in a highly competitive space and places a great deal of emphasis on quality of service. “We’re dealing often with large-cost items for farmers and we understand they have other options, hence our focus always on delivering quality service and outcomes.” Kyle’s responsibilities are around effluent and water reticulation design, but he says that the team’s capabilities allow them to switch over from their core work to add manpower to larger jobs as required. “I think that flexibility and capability to react to place people where they are needed is another strength.” Qubik prides itself on meeting the customers’ needs in a timely and cost-effective way. Sue Russell Four inch Sub pump MK. ON FARM » Qubik Ltd - Te Awamutu