Swings + Roundabouts Autumn 2022

Over the last ten years, Barker Childcare Sales has produced excellent results for our Vendors and Purchasers alike. With ten plus years of experience in the Childcare sector, both as Brokers and Centre Owners, Brett and Peter understand the operational pressures Vendors experience, and are constantly trying to match the type of owner you are with the type of person purchasing your business. The addition of Doug in the South Island and Bridget in Auckland strengthens the team both geographically and in providing excellent service. Currently, post the dramatic Covid 2021 year, buying interest is strong, based on the proven robustness of the sector and the willingness of quality buyers to invest long term. For quality, personalized and highly confidential service, contact Barker Childcare Sales on 0800 735 5249 (0800 SELLBIZ) or contact one of our Brokers directly. SPECIALIST CHILDCARE BROKERS 0800 SELL BIZ www.barkerbusiness.co.nz Teresa Pelvin PA TO BRETT BARKER / 021 239 3580 teresap@barkerbusiness.co.nz CHILDCARE ADMIN MANAGER Bridget Saunders 027 226 6052 bridgets@barkerbusiness.co.nz Peter Coleman 021 966 271 peterc@barkerbusiness.co.nz Brett Barker 021 744 990 brettb@barkerbusiness.co.nz Doug Bishop 021 950 111 dougb@barkerbusiness.co.nz Sold