New model to better support kids with the highest needs The Government is committed to designing a system that better supports our kids and young people with the highest needs, Associate Minister of Education Jan Tinetti recently announced. The Highest Needs Review was launched in April 2021 and was completed recently, with 1100 submissions received. “Following the feedback from the review, the Government has agreed to substantial changes to ensure our learners with the highest needs have their needs met,” Jan Tinetti said. “To ensure that the support system is better fit for purpose a mixed model approach will be developed that creates a partnership between the student, their whānau and the early learning centre or school. This will give students and whānau greater choice and control over what support looks like and works best for them,” Jan Tinetti said. The new system will include seven building blocks for change: 01. A new service delivery system; 02. Customised tailored supports; 03. An integrated and inclusive schooling network; 04. Learning supports for Māori and Pacific students and their whānau and families that are developed by Māori and Pacific people; 05. A confident, capable workforce with the capacity to respond; 06. A new funding model to support a tailored and flexible approach; and 07. Stronger integration with other agencies. The Ministry of Education is to work alongside Whaikaha to design and develop the new system and report back to the Minister mid-year. Read the Highest Needs Review stakeholder voice report, developed by NZCER here: link https://www. COVID-19 vaccine to be available for highrisk under 5 year olds Ministers have approved use of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged six months to four years who are at higher risk of severe disease if they were to catch COVID-19. Eligibility is limited to children who are severely immunocompromised, or who have complex and/or multiple health conditions which increase the risk of severe disease from COVID-19 (following the Starship Child Health table of underlying comorbidities). Bookings for the vaccine can now be made on Book My Vaccine or calling Healthline (0800 28 29 26). The Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) hosted a webinar about the vaccine. A recording is available here, https://www. webinars. YOU SO March 2023 { 12 }