Tāhūrangi is here, the new home for online teaching resources Tāhūrangi, is the Ministry of Education's new digital home for curriculum content, teaching resources and news. The new platform is designed to make that experience quicker and easier. Tāhūrangi has content that supports effective teaching and learning across: ● ● Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early Childhood Curriculum ● ● Te Marautanga o Aotearoa ● ● The New Zealand Curriculum, and, in time ● ● Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo. Whānau, parents, and caregivers can also access resources and information to help ākonga with their learning. Tāhūrangi is full of the features of a modern curriculum hub, making it easy to find, organise, download and share resources and teaching materials. Key benefits that make Tāhūrangi helpful when planning teaching and learning: ● ● bilingual te reo Māori/English search functions, which means you can search using one language and find results in both ● ● a range of search filters so that users can quickly find the resources they need ● ● the ability to quickly download resources. Some of what you can find: Tāhūrangi has a dedicated page highlighting Pacific values and languages for kaiako of Pacific learners. On it, you’ll find curriculum design guides in five Pacific languages, stories of practice from Pacific services across the country, as well as links to other resources like Tapasā, the Action Plan for Pacific Education, resources from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples, and Core Education’s work on supporting successful transitions of Pacific children. To find out more and to access resources, go here, https://tahurangi. education.govt.nz Refreshed Pacific Action Plan 2020-2030 The Pacific Action Plan 2020-2030 maps out the government plan how early learning services, schools, and tertiary providers can achieve change for Pacific learners and their families. The plan was refreshed in 2023 and you can find more information here, https:// www.education.govt.nz/our-work/ overall-strategies-and-policies/actionplan-for-pacific-education/2020action-plan-for-pacific-education/ The refresh sees a number of changes and fresh focus, particularly on measures to strengthen the strategic focus on Pacific languages in education. The action plan also contains resources and guidance for early learning services, including planning templates. YOU SO KNOW March 2024 { 12 }