Swings + Roundabouts Autumn 2024

Karen Hayward: Become a DDO – Deliberately Developmental Organisation In the current climate of high paced change how do we raise the bar of passion, professionalism and practice? This session will explore how to inspire everyone in your organisation to be part of a culture where growth and development is woven into the tapestry of everyday practice. Karen Hayward is an Education Consultant at InterLEAD. Jimmy McLauchlan: Self-regulation & positive behaviour strategies ENGAGE is an evidence-based approach that supports the development of children’s self-regulation skills through intentional play. ENGAGE was developed by Associate Professor Dione Healey (University of Otago), and has been widely researched in Aotearoa. In collaboration with Methodist Mission Southern (MMS) and funding from the Ministry of Education, the programme is now being delivered across Aotearoa to equip tamariki with self-regulation skills to support successful navigation through school and beyond. Jimmy McLauchlan is the Kaiwhakawhanake Pakihi | Chief Development Officer at MMS. Alison Arrow: Literacy in the early years: Supporting ākonga to thrive through their literate identities When it comes to literacy, the current buzz is around structured literacy, but building capable learners with a strong literate identity is more important in the early years. In this workshop participants explore what it means to be literate in the early years context, literate identities, as well as exploring what structured literacy is and what it means for ākonga as they go to primary school. We will also workshop the ways that ECE settings can weave literate identities with literacy practices. Alison Arrow is an Associate Professor in Literacy at the University of Canterbury. Kate McAnelly: Whiria te tāngata: Wearing a rights-based culture of inclusion in ECE This workshop will support kaiako to articulate and justify what children's rights are, and why and how recognising and upholding children's rights is a critical pedagogical tool for inclusion. Kate will provide practical ideas for creating and sustaining rights-oriented inclusive early learning communities to be their authentic and unapologetic selves and thrive. Dr Kate McAnelly is the Lead Practitioner at Tūranga mō ngā Mokopuna. Paula Hawkings: How do you keep your teams energised and engaged? Paula will be sharing some valuable secrets to success, including how to build capacity and knowledge within your teams. She will also discuss how children and team members stand to benefit from your growth as a leader or owner. You will have the opportunity to listen to some centre success stories and understand how some of these strategies could benefit your centre. Paula Hawkings, Director of ECE Consultancy Services Ltd. March 2024 { 25 }