Swings + Roundabouts Autumn 2024

VISIT ECC.ORG.NZ/EVENTS OR CONTACT EVENTS@ECC.ORG.NZ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR Teaching Staff All events are hosted online via Zoom and run for two hours The Early Childhood Council have brought together experts from the ECE sector to deliver unique and valuable learning opportunities for teaching staff. $70 for ECC Members $140 for non members LIMITED SPACES AT EACHWORKSHOP REGISTER NOW 22 Exploring the resource, highlighting the main themes of children's social and emotional development, intentional teaching, and reframing behaviour. HE MAPUNA TE TAMAITI MAR Presented by Julie Houghton-Katipa 12 Learn how you can promote emotional resilience in tamariki by introducing gardening to your curriculum, EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE VIA GARDENING APR Presented by Anita Croft 26 Empowering kaiako with knowledge and strategies to understand better and respond effectively to neurodiverse children within their settings. NURTURING NEURODIVERSITY APR Presented by Julie Houghton-Katipa 03 Learn how to respond to cultural diversity to create an inclusive and responsive learning environment. CULTURAL CAPABILITY MAY Presented by Del Costello and Rosina Wikaira 15 An alternative approach to Teacher Observation, measuring improvement and building a strong learning focused culture. LOOKING FOR LEARNING MAR Presented by Melody Stuckey 10 An online workshop providing ECE kaiako with an overview of the intent and impact of Te Ara Poutama. TE ARA POUTAMA MAY Presented by Katina Beauchamp 24 Delve into the critical role of involving families in decision-making processes, so you can enhance the learning experience for children, whānau, and kaiako. FAMILY-CENTERED PRACTICE IN ECE MAY Presented by Julie Houghton-Katipa 14 Providing depth to what the role of learning stories is in relation to assessment, planning and evaluation in the ECE environment. THE ROLE OF LEARNING STORIES JUN Presented by Katina Beauchamp 21 Develop knowledge and strategies to inclusively support the diverse modes of sensory meaning-making that tamariki bring with them. MANA TAIRONGO: SENSORY FRIENDLY SPACES JUN Presented by Kate McAnelly