Swings + Roundabouts Autumn 2024

The third essential ingredient involves permissions. It might sound a bit odd to say that people need to be allowed to use their critical and creative thinking skills, as we tend to use them all the time. Anytime that you have been faced with conflicting priorities, multiple options, or an outright dilemma then you have probably engaged these thinking strategies, as you looked for a solution. However, applying your skills in a personal situation and voicing your solutions in the workplace are two different things. Many people need to know that their input will be welcome, rather than dismissed out-ofhand, or even leading to reprimand. If you want a workplace where people offer their solutions without being asked, then actively encourage them to speak up with their ideas, and then show your appreciation when they do so. About the author Phil Sales is specialist business coach, interested in 'cool stuff' in the business development sector. For more about Phil, see www.iact15.wixsite.com/ iactltd/who-we-are People are often cited as an under-utilised resource, in business. For some managers, people are just another commodity to be rostered and deployed. In other settings, smarter managers realise that their staff have multiple skills, which can be tapped into as situation demands. That person who you hired as a teacher-aide may be a dab hand at numbers, or whiz at marketing strategies, or they may have an extensive network of contacts who you can shouldertap, as needed. The ability to open up our thinking (and the thinking of others around us), and to then apply it successfully to everyday situations, should be a natural part of our professional toolkit. Creating moments when we actively encourage critical and creative thinking opportunities for our volunteers and staff will result in richer and more satisfying outcomes for all involved. So, here is your challenge for 2024: Talk openly with your people about critical and creative thinking skills, set them some relevant problems which they can try their skills on, and encourage them to share their solutions with you. And if you are looking for an activity which everyone can be involved in, then you might like to tell them about the problem with hobbits and orcs! March 2024 { 35 }