Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2020

KNOW Government’s actions to support Pacific Education and signals how early learning services, schools and tertiary providers can achieve change for Pacific learners and their families. Whilst the focus remains for 10 years, the actions will develop and change over time, with input from Pacific learners, teachers, leaders and community members. The vision of the Action Plan is that diverse Pacific learners and their families feel safe, valued and equipped to achieve their education aspirations. It identifies five key focus areas for change that are needed to achieve this vision: ● Working reciprocally with diverse Pacific communities to respond to unmet needs, with an initial focus on needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic; ● Confronting systematic racism and discrimination in education; ● Enabling every teacher, leader, and education professional to take coordinated action to become culturally competent with diverse Pacific learners; ● Partnering with families to design education opportunities together with teachers, leaders and educational professionals so aspirations for learning and employment can be met; and ● Growing, retaining, and valuing highly competent teachers, leaders and educational professionals of diverse Pacific heritages. The Action Plan outlines key actions the Government is taking to achieve shifts and provides guidance and resources for how schools can respond to the Action Plan. The Action Plan is a first step in working reciprocally with Pacific communities and the education sector, but it cannot achieve change alone. Partnering together and taking collective action are how we can make the change we want to see together. Schools play a significant role in the experiences of Pacific learners and families. The Action Plan includes potential actions, guidance and resources you may wish to use to support Pacific success. This includes planning templates and potential actions to understand what is happening in your place of learning and how you can best give effect to the Action Plan. To find out more go here: https:// conversation.education.govt.nz/ conversations/action-plan-for-pacific- education/ HE MĀPUNA TE TAMAITI: SUPPORTING SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE IN EARLY LEARNING He Māpuna te Tamaiti: Supporting Social and Emotional Competence in Early Learning includes a book, a set of quick tip cards to support kaiako in daily practice, and a self- assessment tool for kaiako and teachers to reflect on, evaluate and develop intentional approaches to support the development of children’s social and emotional skills. Written by kaiako and others in the sector, the resource focuses on four key areas: creating a supportive environment; promoting emotional competence; promoting social competence; and supporting learning and engagement. It includes a range of practical and flexible strategies including establishing consistent routines, developing care and empathy for others, building resilience, fostering peer friendships and supporting children to manage their learning. He Māpuna te Tamaiti has an underlying approach that is caring and culturally responsive in line with Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa . To download the resources or find out more about supporting young children’s social and emotional competence, start here: https://education.govt.nz/early-childhood/ teaching-and-learning/learning-tools-and- resources/he-mapuna-te-tamaiti/#sh- he%20mapuna%20te%20tamaiti and here: https://tewhariki.tki.org.nz/en/ teaching-strategies-and-resources/self- management-and-regulation/ TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSARY: LEADERSHIP STRATEGY The Leadership Strategy for the teaching profession of Aotearoa NZ was launched in August 2018. The ground-breaking document is helping teachers change and adapt their leadership practice. It spells out how ALL teacher can grow their leadership, regardless of role or position. The Leadership Capability Framework is a companion document with guidelines for you to identify, grow and develop leadership. The Teaching Council is beginning to engage with key stakeholder groups on how a leadership centre will take shape and fully realise the Leadership Strategy. The Governing Board's vision is for all teachers regardless of position or sector to be supported in their educational leadership growth and development, for the values of the profession and Te Tiriti o Waitangi to be embedded in its establishment and operation and for a local and regional focus, connected to communities. To find out more about the Leadership Strategy go to: https://teachingcouncil.nz/ content/leadership-strategy September 2020 { 15 }