Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2020

te Reo Māori into all students’ learning, and boost support for Māori learners and whānau to stay connected with education services following COVID-19. The new refreshed Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo provide a framework for all parts of the system to work together better for Māori learners and their whānau. Find out more about the refreshed Ka Hikitia strategy: https://education.govt.nz/our-work/ overall-strategies-and-policies/ka-hikitia-ka- hapaitia Find out more about the refreshed Tau Mai Te Reo strategy: https://education.govt.nz/our-work/overall- strategies-and-policies/tau-mai-te-reo The refreshed Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo strategies have been released. Ka Hikitia is the Māori Education Strategy and Tau Mai Te Reo is the Māori Language in Education Strategy. Together, they outline the shifts needed in education for Māori to enjoy and achieve educational success as Māori, and growth in te reo Māori for both Māori and non-Māori learners. The documents underpin Aotearoa New Zealand’s 30-year education vision and objectives and sit at the heart of the Ministry of Education's wellbeing approach. They set out the strategic direction for Māori education and Māori language in education respectively and the actions that need to be taken across the Ministry, education agencies and the sector. Tau Mai Te Reo also illustrates the education sector’s contribution to the Maihi Karauna (the government’s response to Māori language revitalisation). Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo are the culmination of in-depth discussions the Ministry have held with Māori learners, whānau, leaders and the education sector over the past three years, including Kōrero Mātauranga and the subsequent wānanga. Happy, healthy tamariki and rangatahi learn better and are more likely to achieve in education, work and life when they feel safe and confident in themselves and connected to their learning environments. The education system has underperformed for Māori learners and their whānau over an extended period. As a result, Māori learners collectively experience worse education outcomes than other New Zealand learners and are less REFRESHED MĀORI EDUCATION STRATEGY RELEASED engaged in our education system. Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo have been developed alongside education sector agencies to raise Māori educational success. This requires an education system that gives Māori agency over education for Māori, understands and engages with Māori learners in the context of their whānau and their culture, identity and language and ensures they are free from racism, stigma and discrimination. To achieve this, the Ministry intends for education services to incorporate Māori identity, language and culture into the day- to-day practices. Ka Hikitia will be successful when Māori learners are engaged and achieving excellent education outcomes. Over the next six months, the Ministry and education agencies will work with early learning services, schools and tertiary education institutions to consider the key themes in Ka Hikitia & Tau Mai Te Reo and think about how they apply to their work and circumstances. This will provide the platform for these education services to develop their own implementation plans, in partnership with their local iwi and Māori communities. This work will build on the requirements set out in the Education and Training Bill [Act] to give practical effect to the Treaty of Waitangi and achieve equitable outcomes for Māori learners. The $200 million Māori Investment package announced as part of Budget 2020 is designed to support Māori learners and whānau to reconnect and succeed in education, strengthen the integration of September 2020 { 18 }