Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2020
QUARTER PAGE QUARTER PAGE QUARTER PAGE VODAFONE Preferred supplier to the Early Childhood Council As a Rubiix client, your financial management moves up to the next level. You’ll master the benefits of Xero, save time and money on audits and reviews, meet MOE and IRD requirements easily, and have EOFY accounts completed accurately and on time, every time. Plus you get benchmarking data that shows how your centre is doing compared to similar centres. To find out more, Call Mark Salmon at Rubiix Accountants on (09) 302 2268 or 0800 733 255, or email msalmon@rubiix.co.nz With MOE funding returning to pre-Covid levels, the best time for specialist ECE accounting advice is now. For well-informed business decisions and greater peace-of-mind, contact Rubiix today. We’re NZ’s number one accounting provider for ECEs. EXPERIENCED ECE CASH FLOW ADVICE HAS NEVER BEEN MORE IMPORTANT “Switching to Rubiix has been like finding a savvy CFO or strategic business partner.” Dr Darius Singh, co-founder Chrysalis Group of ECE Centres Contact us now Audit@williambuck.co.nz | 09 366 5000 From $795 + GST New easy to follow guide book, and tailored templates to use We audit privately owned centres nationwide and community based centres in Auckland to comply with MOE requirements William Buck is a preferred supplier to the Early Childhood Council Get your 2020 AUDIT sorted now! FEELING OVERWHELMED? Take 5 breaths...then name the following: 5 things that you can SEE in the room 4 things that you can FEEL/TOUCH right now 3 things that you can HEAR 2 things that you can SMELL now 1 thing that you can TASTE A perfect exercise for both adults and children alike! September 2020 { 26 }