Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2020

ECC LOBBYING GETS YOU RESULTS Early Learning has experienced challenges like never before this year! Shutting our doors in lockdown. Putting measures in place to keep everyone safe in a pandemic. Starting to rebuild our businesses. That’s on top of ongoing underlying fairness issues in our sector like underfunding. The Early Childhood Council has met these challenges head on with a lobbying campaign to engage with government and the sector on your behalf. Our wins this year include: ● Temporary extension to 60 Discretionary Hours ● Access to international teacher recruiters ● Contribution to teacher pay parity funding. BE PART OF THE CHANGE IN ECE WHAT OUR MEMBERS SAY “I thank you for your energy, time and commitment to ensuring that all ECE services are being heard and represented during this difficult and complex time.” (Rose Lewington, Head Teacher, Three Kings Kindy) “I wanted to thank you for this letter that you have submitted to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Education. You lay out very clearly all of the legitimate concerns that we, as ECE professionals, have at this time. Thank you for all that you and your organisation are doing to provide a voice for the ECE sector in Aotearoa.” (Varya Brandon) OUR WORK DOESN’T STOP Our mission is simple – supporting quality early childhood education by championing those who provide it. As an ECC member, you get direct access to support and resources developed specifically for New Zealand centres, and help drive the change our sector needs. We’re staying focused on support our centres through COVID-19 and keep pushing for an open and transparent funding model for the entire sector. We’re stronger when we’re representing as many as possible and would love to have you as an ECC member. PLAY YOUR PART IN THE ECE COMMUNITY If you feel like you’re struggling with no support, there’s help for you. With an election coming up, you can have your voice heard, and draw on all our support and resources by joining New Zealand’s largest ECE member organisation. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR MEMBER BENEFITS: download the membership application from www.ecc.org.nz/join , or contact us on 0800 742 742 option 2, or e-mail us at information@ecc.org.nz Representing your views Communicating without listening first is just noise. Your feedback shapes our thinking and messaging - through regular surveys, webinars and social media we take our members’ views and put them in front of the decision makers. KEYS TO SUCCESS Supporting ECE Throughout COVID-19, we were the most visible and vocal voice for centres. We swung swiftly into action with mainstream media comment, social media discussion and representing the sector on the government’s Epidemic Response Committee. Keeping you in the loop We keep things short, simple and savvy. You’re busy. You want to know what’s happening and what you need to do. We keep you in touch through regular emails, and webinars with other centres in your region and our national executive. September 2020 { 27 }