Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2020

Kia ora koutou, As I wrote this editorial Auckland was in level 3 and the rest of Aotearoa in level 2. I hope when you read this magazine we are all back to level 1. To any of our readers who have suffered loss during this time, please know our hearts are with you. Within Swings & Roundabouts , we have the always popular editorial by the Early Childhood Council (ECC) CEO Peter Reynolds and on page 10 meet one of the new ECC Executive members, Fitu Ah- Young and his aspirations for ECE. On the So You Know pages (from page 14) there is a variety of news from the Ministry of Education, the Teaching Council and ERO, including information for the early learning sector on how the The Education and Training Act 2020 may affect you. To read further information about the Act and how the additional licensing requirements may affect you go to page 28. From page 18 we have information about the refreshed Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai te Reo strategies to support Māori learners and whānau to reconnect and succeed in education and, strengthen the integration of te Reo Māori into all students’ learning. After this is an opinion piece about why we should be all learning te reo Māori to a competent level. If you are an ECC member or considering becoming a member, go to page 24 for the ECC Member Benefit Scheme directory. These preferred suppliers provide ECC members with the opportunity to save dollars through discounted rates and high quality consultation. The article, Adversity and Opportunity , by Phil Sales is a fantastic think piece on thinking outside of the square and re-framing any challenges you face. With our current challenges of battling COVID19 as a nation and the future somewhat unknown, a change of outlook may be the answer. Sustainability made easy , is another pertinent article, as a timely reminder that despite the current looming global economic recession, we also face serious issues within our climate and if we want to meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, we all need to make changes. Go to page 32 for sustainability tips - there is something within these pages for everyone. Make the change today. How does your early learning centre support sustainability with your tamariki? Send us a photo and a short paragraph describing what you do and go in the draw to win three books for your early learning centre. Images must be of high resolution to be published (if tamariki are in the photo please confirm in your email that parents/caregivers have given permission for their child to be in this nation-wide/online publication). Send your entry to Trudi, publications@ecc.org.nz by Friday 16 October 2020. Thank you to our spring contributors, your support is always appreciated. If you’d like to contribute an article to Swings & Roundabouts , we’d love to hear from you. We like to share positive ECE teaching and management stories to inspire and inform our readers. Any topic you would like to write on will be considered. Plus we are on the lookout for stories on the following topics: ● Working within the Tapasā framework ● Leadership and mentoring ● Leaderful practice ● Biculturalism in practice ● Creating positive and inclusive learning environments for all tamariki ● Creating a positive team environment ● Place-based learning Ngā mihi Trudi Sutcliffe Editor He waka eke noa - we’re all in this together. FROM THE EDITOR QUARTER PAGE September 2020 { 7 }