Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2021
Pasifika researchers collaborate in first cross-sectoral Pacific child wellbeing study A collaboration of Pacific experts across a range of disciplines focused on children’s health & development has been awarded a Health Research Council Pacific Health Project grant of $1.17m to explore a cross-sectoral approach to measuring and improving child wellbeing. Lead researcher Dr Teuila Percival, Director at Moana Research and Consultant Paediatrician at KidzFirst Middlemore Hospital, emphasises the importance of taking a community partnership approach with families, well child nurses and early childhood education teachers. "So often our kids are disadvantaged with Well Child and education services that miss the mark. We are partnering with Pacific families and providers to develop an approach to preschool wellbeing and school readiness that works for us", says Dr Percival. The team of experienced researchers from various disciplines and institutions throughout New Zealand, include Dr Rae Si’ilata, Director of Va’atele Education Consulting and a biliteracy-Pasifika specialist, Dr Mele Taumoepeau, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Otago and Associate- Professor El-Shadan Tautolo, Director of the Pacific Islands Families Study at the Auckland University of Technology. The Pasifika B4 School - Child and Family Wellbeing Study will bring together families and teachers from three Pacific ECEs with Pacific well child nurses to design and test a child wellbeing programme. The programme aims to assess and support a child’s physical and emotional development alongside their ability to connect verbally and socially through language and culture. The study was motivated by a review of the Well Child Tamariki Ora Programme which identified inequities and failings for Pacific children and their families. The three-year study will reframe the B4 School Well Child checks by drawing on families’ natural aspirations for children to succeed at school and build on Pacific culture and identity. Dr Si’ilata believes that "the study’s health and education research partnership will strengthen awareness of Pasifika notions of wellbeing and their connection with identity, language and culture." The chance to work closely with community providers and families can create opportunities for building research capacity and capability among Pacific peoples. The study will be hosted by Moana Research and is the second HRC Pacific Project Grant to be awarded to Moana Research, an independent research organisation based in Mangere, Auckland. (Sourced from Fuseworks media) HONING UP YOUR COACHING HABIT www.interlead.co.nz LEADERS (SOL) SUSTAINING OUTSTANDING VENUE We will be staying at . DATES 31st January to 2nd February 2022 INVESTMENT $1100 + GST per person . This includes: sole occupancy room with CONTACT Please call or email either Ailsa, Karen or Liz for further details on course content. to register your interest, learning@interlead.co.nz A four-star motel complex that is booked solely for our use. King or Queen size bed and ensuite, all meals, www.interlead.co.nz or email Sarah at Liz Depree 021 889 341 l.depree@interlead.co.nz Karen Hayward 021 889 351 k.hayward@interlead.co.nz Ailsa Evans 021 172 5487 a.evans@interlead.co.nz This professional learning programme will support leaders and kaiako who are - Honing their coaching skills Growth Cycles - Learning new strategies for developing trust, courage and and others. THE DATE! SAVE The fi rst stage of coaching is ‘silence’….the second stage is ‘listening’. ko te whakarongo What Learning Leaders think, do and say every day. The goals for Learning Leaders are twofold. They need to develop their own theory of leadership rather than adopt someone else’s. This personalised learning theory will support they lead. something people do rather than who we are, who we need to become and who we can become by BEING. of your learning community? Q. How do we de fine a ‘culture of thinking and learning?” A. One that commits to learning for every single person who is part of that learning community. We cannot expect to have one culture in the learning environment for children, and another for adults where the same principles don’t apply. Developing thinkers and learners in kaiako is just as important as in tamariki. NEW COURSE NEW MATERIAL InterLEAD’s NEW 2021/2022 Programme. This 3-Day Childhood Leaders changes every year. Our new topic is: September 2021 { 16 }