FROM THE EDITOR As many of you read this you may be preparing to head to the ECC Conference or even be at the ECC Conference, if so, nau mai, haere mai. Further information about the conference can be found from page 20. If you couldn’t make it to conference this year, don’t despair, keep an eye out in the Summer issue of Swings & Roundabouts for an update on next year’s conference … In September there is an extra emphasis on encouraging all New Zealanders to korero te reo Māori, with Te wiki o te reo Māori and Mahuru (September) Māori where you can set your own challenge to speak te reo Māori for the month - some people do it at home, some at work, some choose a particular time during the day while others speak it all day every day. Goals can be simple as starting with greetings or farewells for beginner learners of te reo Māori. Make sure you read the article, Embracing a Living Treaty in Early Childhood Education, on page 16. This offers readers some useful and practical ways to embrace the treaty within your centre and teaching. This month is the perfect time to reflect on your commitment to te Tiriti within your teaching and overall centre planning. Further resource ideas to support your learning te reo Māori can be found on page 18. If you are thinking of setting up your own early learning centre, or thinking of a reboot, or just feel like being inspired by some forward thinking innovators, make sure you read the article, Gaia (Earth) Forest Preschool, Leaving the planet in safer hands than ours… on page 26. We’d love to share more of these inspirational stories. If you think you have a journey within your ECE career that would inspire others from opening a centre, training to be a teacher, to broadening your career or what you offer within your service contact me at for more info. We like to share positive ECE management and teaching stories to inspire and inform our readers. The article, Helping little people navigate BIG feelings on page 32 is a must-read in ways we support young children regulate their feelings! Most early learning centres have suffered a parent complaining about part of the centre’s service or care for their child at some stage. How to turn unhappy customers into raving fans! on page 32 offers a CLEAR approach along with the reminder that sometimes these complaints can alert us to a problem that others just walked away from and left without communicating the ‘why’! If you are an ECC member or considering becoming a member, head to page 34 for the ECC Member Benefit Scheme directory. These preferred suppliers provide ECC members with the opportunity to save dollars through discounted rates and high quality consultation. Thank you to all our spring contributors. Ngā mihi Trudi Sutcliffe Editor Whāia te iti kahurangi. Pursue what is important. Is your cook going on holiday? Need some help? Delivered to your door – over 35 tasty meal options daily Childcare Centre Meal Service – easy to oven-heat meal trays Catering to allergen & cultural needs Use full-time, part-time, or casual EnquiriesWelcome – price competitive rates Available nationwide to deliverable locations September 2022 { 7 }