Swings + Roundabouts Spring 2023

"I had such a valuable internship experience at Tiny Tuis, both on a personal and professional level. I am forever grateful I had the opportunity to experience Early Childhood Education in New Zealand. Thank you to my wonderful team at Tiny Tuis!" Danish intern - Trine Ahlmann Jensen We take pride in looking after our interns and we offer them subsidised high standards rental accommodation together with other interns. This opportunity offers them a network of peers - the White Cloud Whānau, who are the people with whom they can share and ‘Enjoy the Journey’ and the memories. White Cloud interns attend catered social events and an educational retreat for a few days - which we offer the interns to thank them on behalf of the host. All of this contributes to an unforgettable experience which we believe they deserve! A partnership with White Cloud Internship offers ECE centres in Auckland and Wellington a solution to ongoing staff shortage and added value from the international exchange. Some of our current ECE partners have interns back-to-back, 6 monthly, and others have an intern when it suits them. In our team we have internship supervisors with Early Childhood Education qualifications and/or experience from Denmark and New Zealand. For more information about our programme and the team visit www.whitecloudinternships.co.nz ‘We have been fortunate to be part of the White Cloud Internship programme for 4 years. The interns that come to us are enthusiastic to learn and want to be immersed in the programme. They come with an understanding of Te Whāriki, as well as bringing their own early childhood experiences and knowledge. Having them as part of the teaching teams is highly beneficial for the teachers and for the children, the only downside is having to say goodbye at the end!’ Nicole Sharpe - Centre Manager Tiny Tuis Early Learning Centre Danish intern - Trine Ahlmann Jensen. August 2023 { 35 }