Swings + Roundabouts Summer 2020
KNOW PRIVACY ACT CHANGES MAY AFFECT YOUR SERVICE The Privacy Act 2020 comes into effect on 1 December 2020. The key changes that may impact your service are: 01. a new requirement to report notifiable privacy breaches; 02. a new privacy principle around the disclosure of personal information overseas (which captures the use of online tools for information storage and service delivery); and 03. the Privacy Commissioner will be able issue compliance notices for breaches of the Privacy Act. By 1 December 2020 your service will be expected to be compliant with the new provisions. Note - Under existing ECE criteria, when the Office of the Privacy Commissioner is notified of a privacy breach the Ministry must be also be notified. Where to find more information To understand how these changes might affect your service, you can visit the Office of the Privacy Commissioner website, to learn more about the changes and access useful resources, https://www.privacy.org.nz/blog/ key-changes-in-the-privacy-act-2020/ https://privacy.org.nz/privacy-act-2020/ resources/ Additional resources to assist with understanding these changes are on the Education website, https://www.education . govt.nz/our-work/changes-in-education/ privacy-act-2020-resources-for-schools- and-early-learning-services/ TEACHER REGISTRATIONS Ministry of Education have worked with the Teaching Council to put extra support in place to implement a four-week registration turnaround for all domestic teachers during the peak processing period November 2020 to April 2021. Services will be able to access the domestic relocation and finder’s fee through the Teach NZ website from 26 October. Please email teacher.supply@ education.govt.nz with any questions. TALKING TOGETHER, TE KŌRERORERO UP AND RUNNING This new MoE resource is for kaiako in early learning and early primary schooling to increase their understanding about key elements of oral language and provide guidance on effective ways to foster language growth in young children. It is underpinned by the principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes of Te Whāriki. This resource is for all children. In Te Whāriki (p. 25) oral language encompasses any method of communication the child uses as a first language. This includes New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) and for children who communicate using Communication Assistive Technology or Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) to replace or augment their speech. (TalkLink). This is an English language resource that also provides information about English language learning for children experiencing bilingual and multilingual pathways. It provides support for kaiako to integrate te reo Māori in early learning settings; recognising this is essential for a rich oral language environment. To access this resource go to https://gazette.education.govt.nz/articles/ talking-together-te-korerorero/ CURRICULUM LEAD POSITIONS START TERM 1 2021 The first Curriculum Lead positions announced in the 2020 Budget will be in place from Term 1, 2021. The regionally based positions will strengthen the Ministry of Education’s frontline support for curriculum and will focus on wellbeing. The Ministry wants teachers and leaders to have access to a range of support for quality curriculum design and delivery. The Curriculum Leads will provide hands-on support to teachers and kaiako in schools, kura, early learning services and kōhanga reo. Wellbeing is strongly linked to learning and the design and implementation of local curriculum and marau ā-kura. A range of resources on wellbeing can be found here, https://www.education . govt.nz/our-work/overall-strategies-and-policies/wellbeing-in- education/ This page outlines the Ministry’s commitment, and provides resources for educators, learners, parents and whānau to help support the wellbeing of children and young people. December 2020 { 15 }