Swings + Roundabouts Summer 2020
Is your centre a member of the Early Childhood Council? 1,300 ECC member centres enjoy: • Access to all they need to know to run a successful centre • Over 200 free policies, procedures, tools and templates • Access to excellent preferred suppliers to save, save, save! • Somewhere to have their voice heard on significant issues facing our sector • Somewhere to get support when you’re struggling with officials from the Ministry, ERO, Teaching Council, local authorities, food inspectors, etc • Discounted rates to participate in simple, practical PD for your teachers and managers (live workshops, webinars, e-learning videos) Need proof? Call us now to discuss membership and the benefits to your centre. Check out our free, no obligation “ Trial Membership ” for a month and see these benefits for yourself. Go to www.ecc.org.nz or phone 0800 742 742 option 2